Conservative News

Why Are Democrats Against Guns But For Abortions?

When we notice anyone taking a strong stand for or against anything, we must pause to examine facts. If people…

5 years ago

Is God a Racist, Too?

My oh my, is anyone else sick and tired of being called a “RACIST”? It’s especially disingenuous to hear this…

5 years ago

Can We Pause the Border Wall and Concentrate on DC?

Has anyone noticed how stark the contrasts between patriotism, brains, and stupidity are now in politics? Movie stars, business owners,…

5 years ago

Should We Stop Democrats From Exploding?

What success would any NFL team have if they only recruited quarterbacks? Would they ever win? Wouldn’t they be able…

5 years ago

Why Is The Democrat Party Becoming an Endangered Species?

Is it just me, or does anyone else believe Politicians routinely attempt to turn math 101 into calculus 701? Maybe…

5 years ago

Why President Trump Will Win in 2020 and Beyond

For as many years as I have been alive, my families have always been Democrats. However, during a recent family…

5 years ago

My, Ain’t the Media Pimps Changing?

We all know the main-stream media (MSM) hasn’t been a popular place on our TV’s and news resources in a…

5 years ago

The Political Whores and Pimps Are Not Winning

Did Americans fall asleep at the wheel to awaken in a totally different country? Aren’t we now somewhere unfamiliar and…

5 years ago

Is Senator Burr Addicted to the Democrat’s Mental Disorders?

Today, Senator Richard Burr (R) is being analyzed like at no other time in his lengthy political career. Could it…

5 years ago

Some Families Won’t be Celebrating Mother’s Day – Because of Democrats

Yes, every year America normally celebrates our Moms. However, Democrats have successfully established a new trend in America whereby our…

5 years ago

Democrat’s Non-Investigation Probe Now On Steroids

Who would have ever believed the Mueller probe (we now know it was never an investigation since there was nothing…

5 years ago

Dichotomy … Democrats explains dichotomy in this way: a division into two mutually exclusive, opposed, or contradictory groups: a dichotomy between thought…

5 years ago

Voters… Are You Tired and Disgusted, Yet?

If you were a Napa State Hospital - a mental health facility - employee off from work observing the media…

5 years ago

Should the Media and Politicians Fear Voters or God?

Is God number one in your life? Unfortunately, there are some without the desire to understand God’s plan for our…

5 years ago

Idiocy, Prejudice, and Arrogance of the Media Exposed by Tiger Woods

When we see achievement and success on steroids but politicians and the media belittle it, what does that mean to…

5 years ago