
Saint Peter Chrysologus to deliver short sermon in Paris 2024

Some even blame Christianity for cultural appropriation: Thomas Jolly, insists the scene is a nod to a pagan celebration featuring…

7 months ago

True Christians Should be like Anthony. Saint Anthony of Padua, That Is.

"The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult and left untried." - G. K.…

8 months ago

The Real On-Going Insurrection – Against the Kingdom

Forget about the January 6th so-called insurrection. The real insurrection is on-going.Do you ever wonder why the White House, DOJ,…

2 years ago

The College Quandary: Why Is It That  Academics and Intellects Tend To Be Liberal?

Recently, I had a conversation with a friend of mine regarding widespread Liberalism among those most educated–Academics and Intellects, many…

2 years ago

Christian Fugitives Face Martyrdom In Communist China

A group of 60 persecuted Christians face looming deportation from South Korea back to Communist China this April. Despite Article…

3 years ago

Dr. Tony Evans Our Post-Modern MLK, Jr.

Dr. Tony Evans of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship? Our Modern-Day Martin Luther King, Jr.

3 years ago

Complex America: The Docuseries

Complex America: The Docuseries PILOT is now available!!! A post-modern docuseries-style historical non-fiction. It's American History from a Biblical Worldview!…

4 years ago

Hope in the Age of Confusion?

There's hope is the Age of Confusion. Let's start at the root.

4 years ago

The Fracture of American Culture

True American culture started where it was founded--right in the heart of the North American colonist at the run-up to…

4 years ago

WuFlu Puts Jesus in Intensive Care

The most remarkable impact the Flu Manchu has on America is the sight of pastors waiting, like dogs anticipating a…

5 years ago

As A Christian, Should You Fear The Coronavirus?

Taking a look around me, I see panic, anxiety, sometimes anger and much worry. In short, I see fearful people.…

5 years ago

Science Discovers the Benefits of Christianity

CNN issued a study a while back that found regularly attending church may increase a Christian’s lifespan while at the…

5 years ago

There is No “Christian Left”

Despite liberals frequently referencing God, the Bible, and Jesus, there is no "Christian left." It is an oxymoron because the…

5 years ago

Iran Has the Fastest Growing Christian Church in the World Despite Severe Persecution

Iran, a Muslim-majority nation, is seeing a staggering number of people leaving Islam for Christianity. According to the documentary, “Sheep…

5 years ago

Maryland Church Washed Away by Watered–Down Theology

Twinbrook Baptist Church in Rockville, MD recently had a going–out–of–business–sale. The church had been spiritually bankrupt for decades, but the…

5 years ago