Candy Crowley

Obama Lies, Michelle Cheers, Crowley Retreats & that Videotape Smears

Candy Crowley missed her true calling.  Unbiased, professional debate "moderator" remains to be seen, as Crowley's passion to "save" Obama…

12 years ago

Crowley and the Benghazi statements: the debate and mistruths

In the Presidential Debate, Mitt Romney challenged the President saying that he did not come out in the Rose Garden…

12 years ago

Last minute Change to tonight’s debate rules after Crowley controversy

The Commission on Presidential Debates has announced a last minute change to the rules for tonight's debate, presumably due to…

12 years ago

Crowley: Biased Bad Joke

For the pending second presidential debate, the format agreement says that after each question from the audience and a two-minute…

12 years ago

Thought the VP debate moderator was bad? Crowley intends to go farther

The two campaigns have been far apart on just about every issue, until this week's moderator, CNN's Candy Crowley, decided…

12 years ago

Moderators Announced for 2012 Presidential Debate Series

On Monday, the Commission on Presidential Debates announced that Jim Lehrer, Candy Crowley, Bob Schieffer and Martha Raddatz have been…

12 years ago