A Broken System

Giving The Country Away, Again

Well, that abomination we call ObamaCare has again bitten us. This time it's illegal immigrants. The problem of enforcement of…

10 years ago

Common Core is the common whore of education

The pimps, lowlifes, and Johns of the teacher’s unions along with the radical progressive Communists of the Obama Administration are…

10 years ago

Deportation: “What, Me Worry?”

As Keith Koffler at Whitehouse Dossier says, "Unless the Obama administration starts allowing non-citizens to send absentee ballots from Mexico,…

10 years ago

Voter Fraud: What Americans Think

When Democats and/or liberals resist efforts to ensure the integrity of our electoral process, they often say, "What voter fraud?"…

10 years ago

How CPAC Stacked the Deck on the Amnesty Panel

Here’s a handy rule of thumb: If two of the four members of an immigration panel have Hispanic surnames you…

10 years ago

It Is Time, Democrats, to Send Mr. Reid Home

In these ridiculous times, where transparency is clandestine, science proves instead of disproves, and falsely instilled self-esteem trumps real education,…

10 years ago

Seinfeld on Parenting?

This one had my head spinning. I had to watch and listen twice! Now, I know, some may say this…

10 years ago

Justice for Justina Pelletier

What is happening to the United States of America?  What is happening to our Republic?  I remember a famous quote…

10 years ago

To Whom Do You Want To Entrust Your Well-being?

By Michael Lewinski 02/05/14 I believe it was Sam Adams who said in essence at the close of the 18th…

10 years ago

Obama’s speech: translated so useful idiots and low information voters can understand it

Last night was without a doubt the most vile, disgusting, and terrifying State of the Union speech in our Nation’s…

10 years ago

The Unbridled Hate of Hate Speech Laws

“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” This quote,…

10 years ago


Many of you know that I grew up in Boston. No, not outside of Boston. Not North of Boston. Not…

10 years ago

The Republican Party: When the Body Guard joins the Bully!!!!!

I was listening to Rush Limbaugh (Wednesday Dec. 17, 2013) and he had a very interesting call from a woman…

10 years ago

Re-Writing Benghazi for Political Purposes

In typical Progressive fashion, the New York Times set itself to re-writing the events of al Qaeda’s 2012 attack on…

10 years ago

When will GLAAD Criticize Islam like They Do Phil Robertson?

Why is it that the Democrat Party, Republican Party, the media, homosexual groups like GLAAD, pro-abortion groups, and all other…

10 years ago