Barack Obama

Russia has repeatedly violated the INF Treaty

In 1987, the United States and the then Soviet Union signed the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, which required…

11 years ago

President fails to address middle class needs while bending to environmentalists

President Obama claimed many things: be the most transparent, court the world into loving the U.S.A., and to be the…

11 years ago

Obama Executive Order: Doctors to Screen All Individuals Ages 15 to 65 Years for HIV

Executive Order -- HIV Care Continuum Initiative EXECUTIVE ORDER - - - - - - - ACCELERATING IMPROVEMENTS IN HIV…

11 years ago

Beware: Leftist Plan For Even Deeper Cuts in America’s Deterrent

On June 19th, in Berlin, Barack Obama announced his plan to cut America's strategic nuclear deterrent further, to a paltry…

11 years ago

Egyptians depose their dictator: When will America depose ours?

The Egyptian people have spoken loudly. They were tired of the broken promises and the poor excuses. They were tired…

11 years ago

The Confederate Corner with George Neat July 2nd – Firefighters, Fourth of July, and Freedom

When: Tuesday, July 2nd, 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific Where: Confederate Corner with George Neat on Blog Talk Radio What: Yes there are…

11 years ago

Russian Troops to be Deployed on US Soil?

A disturbing report has been cropping up on the Internet suggesting that the US Government under the Obama Administration has…

11 years ago

Help STOP Obama’s unilateral nuclear disarmament of the US

As everyone should know by now, Barack Obama intends to disarm the United States unilaterally and has already taken substantial…

11 years ago

Hong Kong Responds To US Over Snowden

The government of Hong Kong has told the US it wasn't going to stop Edward Snowden from leaving the country.…

11 years ago

Edward Snowden Heads To Russia

Update: BBC says Snowden is IN Russia. The South China Morning Post is now reporting Edward Snowden is on his…

11 years ago

Confederate Corner with George Neat June 18th – Obama waste, guns and free speech

When: Tuesday, June 18th, 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific Where: Confederate Corner with George Neat on Blog Talk Radio What: Yes there are…

11 years ago

Syria: Where the war stands now

The Obama administration has stated that they will send weapons to the rebels in Syria at this point, regardless of…

11 years ago

Americans Warned of ‘Revolution from Above’ and the Appearance of the ‘Messiah’

Call it “fundamental transformation.” Call it a “coup d’etat” (like one of the architects of opposition to the “evil empire”…

11 years ago

Barack Obama: The Ghost Of Columbia University

From Wayne Allyn Root: "I just returned from New York, where I attended my 30th Columbia University reunion. I celebrated…

11 years ago

Let’s all sue the Internal Revenue Service!

Unless you have been living under a rock or in a cave somewhere you have heard all about the I.R.S.…

11 years ago