Barack Obama


This nation was founded by men who wrote a document that established the rule of law to ensure equal opportunity…

8 years ago

Britain votes ‘leave’ – the beginning of the end of the EU

In total disagreement with pre-vote polls, the United Kingdom has voted to regain its sovereignty and leave the European Union.…

8 years ago

Stop fantasymongering about a world without nuclear weapons

President Obama has just visited the Hiroshima Memorial and has made another impassioned plea for "a world without nuclear weapons."…

8 years ago

When An American President Hates America, World Affairs Appear Different From One Who Does Love America

Obama is expressing fear of Donald Trump for the alleged negative impact Trump’s comments about Making America Great Again are…

8 years ago

NYT: Obama more a war-monger than Bush

Karma is a bitch and Obama is dealing with every bit of her that he can handle .. or maybe…

8 years ago

Obama couldn’t hold the line against Iran, but he’s going full-on red line against your kid’s school

While the president could not be troubled to hold a hard position against a nuclear Iran, chemical weapons use by…

8 years ago

Tolerance is not Equality

A tolerant culture has long been acclaimed as a righteous society. While most social indoctrination is designed to foster this…

8 years ago

Obama Engages In Blatant Racism With Black Graduates At Howard University

Yesterday, while giving a speech to the graduating class of Howard University in Washington, and while performing his patented in-place,…

8 years ago

NYT: Americans not appreciating Obama’s economic achievements

The New York Times is well-known to be little more than a Democrat 'office of propaganda' and this week, it's…

8 years ago

U.S. foreign policy failures with Russia and Israel continue

President Obama and Joe Biden further weaken America's world image and piss off an ally .. all in one day.…

8 years ago

A BlitzKrieg On Brussels! War While Obama Basks in Cuba. Remedy: A New Crusade On ISIS.

Obama needs to be praised for at least his imagined “containment” of ISIS because his wasted words tell us that…

8 years ago

Obama Thinks Seeking His “Legacy” Means Playing The Fool

Obama makes a nuke deal with Iran with no pre-conditions, assures Americans and the world that nuclear weapon development will…

8 years ago

Is Google a government tool pushing Regime Change?

Google may be creating tools to help Democrat plans to change regimes by inciting revolution in certain countries and perhaps crushing…

8 years ago

Obama’s Advice for A Failed Cuba: Blame America And Drop The Embargo. Obama’s Advice For A Failing America: Continue On Obama’s Same, Failed Path.

When Obama decided that we need to start bailing out Castro’s failed paradise in Cuba the situation became a classic…

8 years ago

Obama Has Already Destroyed World Order, So What’s The Beef About Trump?

There are time when one looks at wonder at the bizarre world we are in. Obama trashes the constitution; he…

8 years ago