Audit the Fed

Why we need to audit the Fed

Tom Woods, the Senior Fellow at Ludwig von Mises Institute, testifies in the Federal Reserve Oversight Hearing before the House…

11 years ago

Why We Should “Give A Crap” About the Audit The Fed Bill

The solution now is to lobby the U.S. Senate to take action. Which means calling, emailing and writing them. Several…

12 years ago

How much support did Rep. Paul’s Audit the Fed Bill Get? Check out the Co-sponsors

I'll keep it brief, but Rep. Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill (HR 459) garnered significant bi-partisan co-sponsorship showing that…

12 years ago

Harry Reid in 1995: I Think We Should Audit the Fed

Yesterday the House of Representatives  finally voted on, and passed, Ron Paul's signature legislation the Audit the Fed bill, by…

12 years ago