
Really, GOP?! Falling for an Alinsky Tactic…Again?

After all of the time spent by many people, including myself, explaining the tactics of Saul Alinsky and how today’s…

8 years ago

Dementia or Dishonesty, Pelosi Is Unfit for Office

While it still requires a willing suspension of reality to believe Rep. Nancy Pelosi (P-CA), wasn't the spearhead of the…

9 years ago

A Perfect Example of the Progressive Hate Machine

If you want to understand exactly who and what the Progressive Movement is, simply listen to what they espouse to…

10 years ago

When States Turn Evil

Evil states aren't suddenly thrust upon a people, with a madman declaring his intentions to brutally enslave the populace. Although…

12 years ago

The American Left: Does It Have the Freedom of Sedition and the Right to Tyranny?

Free Speech, Sedition & Treason The American Left has pushed the United States to the brink of Constitutional crisis. Whether…

12 years ago

Class Warfare, the Tea Party, Alinsky and the Sixties

I spent a good deal of time watching video feeds and real time chat on Occupy Wall Street.  Van Jones…

13 years ago