Support Conservative News

Content, like editorial cartoons, nationally syndicated columns, and other premium articles is expensive. We need your help to keep going (see below what we’ve done with donations).

Click to SUPPORT Us!

Ad agencies (influenced by the WEF, ADL and other progressive agencies), social media and the cancel mob are steadily erasing conservative content from the internet by bullying advertisers. They have made it increasingly hard to keep a site like this going. But, we are willing to fight on if you are.

They do it by forcing Big Tech (Google, Amazon, Twitter), advertisers, banks, and syndication partners to separate themselves from anything that doesn’t fall in line with progressive policies.

Help Us Fight Back!

You can help keep this 15-year-old conservative operation going by contributing a tiny amount. Seriously, whatever is easy: $1/month, $2/month, $10/month – whatever fits your budget and matches what you think our content is worth.

Seriously, a buck or two a month makes a real difference for us now that progressives have shut down advertising revenue.

We need all the help we can get to fight off the leftist cancel mafia.

DONATE – OR – SHOP with Our Affiliate Links

What We’ve Done with Donations So Far:

We could have used the money to pay ongoing expenses (servers, marketing, web services, etc) or done the Hillary thing and just pocketed the cash. Instead, we chose to give back by supporting the content of conservative writers and artists. The even better news? You get access to their stuff by visiting CDN. Cartoonists like Stiglich, Varvel, Branco, Ramirez and more. Columnists like Shapiro, Hollis, and Prager. That top talent costs money, if you have a dollar or two a month, support us so we can keep bringing these amazing cartoonists and writers to you,

What’s Next

Future donations will allow us to continue. But, without your support, sites like ours will eventually go dark and you’ll be left with Poltico, The Daily Beast, NBC News and CNN.

Any amount helps and your contribution goes directly to the content we provide. The charge on your statement will be to “Bald Eagle Media, LLC” the parent company of Conservative Daily News. So, if you are able, consider what our content is worth to you and help us keep going:

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