Cynthia Guenthner

Cynthia Guenthner is a freelance writer and political blogger who has been a lifelong conservative Republican. She was a columnist for the Bush website from 2002-2005. She was Vice-Chair of her local Reagan-Bush re-election committee in 1984. Since then, she has held other offices in her county GOP organization. She is an enthusiastic supporter of President Trump and the MAGA movement. Besides politics, her interests include animal welfare, traditional country music and NASCAR.

The Voter ID Dilemma

No reasonable American will deny the need for voter integrity to ensure free and fair elections. One of the major…

3 years ago

Deplorables’ Time vs. Elites’ Time

It's that "time" of the year when those of us in every state, except for the sane states of Arizona…

3 years ago

Can the Space Force Survive a Biden Administration?

If you were a kid during the early years of the "space race," you no doubt counted the astronauts among…

3 years ago

A Tale of Two Countries – Garth vs. Ricky and Toby

Only when it fits their narrative will the liberal establishment praise a country entertainer, and when Garth Brooks performed at…

3 years ago

Out of the Ivory Palaces

Remember the theme behind the hymn, "Out of the Ivory Palaces"? "Out of the ivory palaces into a world of…

3 years ago

Guess Who’s the Subject of an FBI Investigation – It’s Not Trump

For all his ranting against capitalist white-collar crime, "progressive", a.k.a. socialist, Bernie Sanders himself may well have been involved in…

7 years ago