Michael J. Fell

The “progressive” Agenda for America

Despite voluminous amounts of saccharine coated “progressive” rhetoric to the contrary, today’s "progressives" do not care about “the little guy”,…

11 years ago

“progressives” in American Politics

While “progressives” have existed in both major American political Parties for over a century, in recent years "progressives" have consumed…

11 years ago

“progressives” in The Media

The American mainstream media has long been sympathetic to the “progressive” cause. For decades they have made subliminal editorial decisions…

11 years ago

“progressive” Origins

The "progressive" movement in America first appeared during the late 19th century in response to so called “robber barons" such…

11 years ago

The “progressive”

The “progressive” does not care about Americans. They do not care about the dim bulb, buck toothed flyover American’s life.…

11 years ago

Welcome to the Hotel Mexifornia

On Wednesday, April 3, 2013, a group of women enjoying a “girl’s day out” noticed something amiss in Beverly Hills…

11 years ago

Courage Is No Longer Just a Word

On Sunday, June 26, 2011, the world premiere of the first episode of the new Colony Bay Entertainment series: “Courage,…

11 years ago

It Can Happen Here

For years now, the Euro zone has been experiencing difficulty absorbing the costs of bailing out relatively small countries with…

11 years ago

Lady Liberty

Lady Liberty stands in New York Harbor proclaiming: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe…

11 years ago

The Phony White House Charm Offensive

Not only did the White House disavow the GOP’s 10-year budget plan put forth by House budget chief Rep. Paul…

11 years ago

Time for Old Soldier McCain to Fade Away

Senator John McCain (R, AZ) continues his criticism of fellow Republicans for filibustering confirmation of CIA Director John O. Brennan…

11 years ago

Stand with Rand

Some of Senator Rand Paul’s (R, KY) colleagues were left unimpressed by Wednesday’s filibuster.  The day following Paul’s action, Senators…

11 years ago

The Reality of Long Term Unemployment

In his “Mission Accomplished” moment, Barack Hussein Obama ended his jobs council on Thursday, January 31, 2013. Despite the fact…

11 years ago

Orwellian Inauguration 2013

Except for the date, 1984, George Orwell had it right. Replete with doublespeak, innuendos, and outright falsehoods, the Inauguration speech…

11 years ago

Illogical Extremism of the left

Recent events prove beyond reasonable doubt that members of the institutionalized "progressive" left are more than enthusiastic about attacking guns…

11 years ago