Michael Ohanian

Michael Ohanian is a 30 y/o economist who resides in Maryland. He graduated Magna cum Laude from the University of Maryland Baltimore County with a B.S. in Financial Economics and currently works as a market economist for a private company. He is the owner and chief contributor of the conservative blog The Elephant in the Room: www.loudmouthelephant.com. On Facebook, he runs the blog's page (www.Facebook.com/LMElephantblog) as well. Mike is a permanent panel member for two conservative internet radio shows, OpinioNation and The 405 Live at 10:00pm EST on Wednesday nights and 10:00am EST on Saturday mornings, respectively. To listen, visit https://www.the405radio.com/.

A “Quick and Dirty” Look at Obama’s Tax The Rich Plan

I couldn't resist. I saw the following article and I just had to write about it: https://money.cnn.com/2012/11/14/news/economy/obama-taxes-deficit/index.html?hpt=hp_t3  Yes, I know that…

11 years ago

Where Do Republicans Go From Here?

From the conservative blog The Elephant in the Room - www.loudmouthelephant.com: As all of you have undoubtedly realized, November 6th,…

11 years ago

I’m Barack Obama, and I’m Going to Deceive You in this Message

Do you think this title is harsh? Maybe. But is it true? Absolutely. If you watch his most recent ad,…

12 years ago

Who Should Get Credit for “Saving” the Auto Industry?

First, before I start, I need to get this out there: I was/am firmly against the auto industry "bailouts." I…

12 years ago

Barack Obama Continues to Lie About Taxes – Part 2

Part 1 can be seen here: https://www.conservativedailynews.com/2012/09/barack-obama-continues-to-lie-about-taxes-part-1 Let me start by saying that my grandmother used to tell me that…

12 years ago

Barack Obama Continues to Lie About Taxes – Part 1

I've written about this often: It seems that President Obama is taking the "throw it at the wall and see…

12 years ago