
Biden Slowly Destroys America With ESG, DEI And “Don’t”, And Can’t Comprehend The Actual Destruction of “Death To America”

Joey Biden thinks the soft but erosive destruction of words like ESG, DEI, CRT and the worthless deterrent of weak words like “don’t” can keep America free and prosperous. But because the American left deals in only feel-good phrases and actions, they cannot comprehend the deadly serious people like Hitler, Stalin and the Iranian dictatorship when those enemy enterprises use phrases like “Death To Israel” and “Death To America”. The American political left pushes only leftist crap that has no real, tangible meaning, while Iran is talking real-life death and material destruction.

Biden is partially responsible for the misery Ukraine has experienced since being invaded by Russia, because he said that he had no problem with a “minor incursion” of Russian forces into Ukraine, and he repeated this stupidity more recently by appearing to allow Iran the right to directly attack Israel, but only attack them “slightly”, with missiles launched into Israel. One can assume that Biden would not like a minor or slight invasion of his Corvette nor his beach house in Delaware, but he prescribes it for other nations, and has imposed destruction on his own nation, whose borders are wide open to invasion by terrorists and criminals from all over the world.

The fool who occupies the Oval Office makes no pretense at making America strong and free, except with his lying words. But his actions and policies are making America the weak-sister, laughing-stock of the world and is forcing us to be the next third world hell hole that his progressive and socialistic policies are assuring. Let’s retire Joey in November and allow Donald Trump to “Make America Strong Again”.

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Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

Published by
Dave King

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