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‘Blind Pursuit Of Power’: Former Dem Rep Calls Out The FBI, Democratic Leaders For Infringing Upon Americans’ Freedom

Former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii ripped Democratic Party leaders Saturday over infringing upon Americans’ freedom in what she called a “blind pursuit of power.”

“Our founders were visionaries in many ways and they recognize that our freedoms come from God, not the government,” Gabbard said during the 2023 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). “Unfortunately we live in a country today, where the Democratic Party and their blind pursuit of power reject this truth.”

Gabbard’s critiques of the party stemmed from an FBI memo that advised the law enforcement agency to infiltrate Catholic groups that prefer having Mass said in Latin, as well as their push for new gun control laws. The Justice Department announced it would retract the memo, with Attorney General Merrick Garland calling the memo “appalling” during testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“We love and respect each other, recognizing that we are all children of God. We recognize that each of us has this intrinsic right within our own hearts to have a deeply personal relationship with God and the freedom to express and practice that faith without fear of any state-sponsored reprisal or censorship or discrimination,” Gabbard said.

Republican Rep. Chip Roy of Texas blasted the FBI during a Tuesday hearing, repeating some of the accusations that the agency has become politicized in cases involving pro-life advocates and parents protesting at school board meetings.

Journalist Michael Schellenberger reported that the FBI paid Twitter almost $3.5 million to reimburse the company for time spent responding to requests from the agency. The documents also revealed that the FBI contacted Twitter about potential leaks involving Hunter Biden prior to the New York Post reporting on the contents of a laptop Biden abandoned at a computer repair shop.

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Harold Hutchison

Published by
Harold Hutchison

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