
Christmas Feels a Little Merrier This Year


It is a complicated time for Americans this Christmas season. For the first time in three years, we can celebrate without the oppression of government mandates. COVID is still around and may be with us in some form forever, but it no longer controls us. We lost many to this evil disease from China, but we have won. We have survived the Pandemic of our lifetime. The masks are gone, except for those who sleep with a security blanket. Six feet of separation is history, and you can hug your family and friends again. Life has returned to normal, and it feels good.

Some are grasping their power and still threatening us with masks and mandates, but the people will not hear of it this time. We gave up over two years of our lives and will no longer accept being controlled. We have decided to surround ourselves with friends and family and embrace life. This year we will celebrate, gather, and party like it’s 2019

Joe Biden is doing his best to be the Grinch that steals our Christmas. He has stymied our economy, made some choose between food and fuel, and has made the country less safe by destroying our Southern Border. The American people are resilient and are absorbing his punches. Biden and his band of fools are doing their best to bring our country to its knees, but he does not have the power he thinks he has. The people are still standing tall as we always have when faced with adversity.

The gifts we exchange and the merriment we enjoy is nothing compared to the time we spend together. So count your blessings, gather your loved ones, and remember those no longer with us. Remember, the loved one who occupied that empty seat is still with us, smiling down upon us today and every day—Shed not a tear. But smile at the memories. For two years, we were kept from those closest to us. We can pray that it never happens again, but it gave us an appreciation for the precious time we share.

We prayed a great deal during these last few trips around the sun. Though we may not all be religious, we found a comforting spirituality. Let that stay with us; maybe that force will miraculously pull us together and show us we have more in common than we think.

If there is one gift I wish for everyone this Christmas is that the family and friendships that have drifted apart come back together. There are far more essential things for which we must unite than those that divide us. May harmony, understanding, and love encircle your holiday table today and remain with you into a happy and prosperous New Year.

God Bless you and keep you safe and sound. Merry Christmas!

Content syndicated from ConservatriveViewFromNH.com with permission

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Ray Cardello

As a lifelong Conservative and resident of New Hampshire, Ray Cardello is positioned to speak with common sense about the happenings of the nation and the region. Conservative View from New Hampshire is Ray’s second blog and podcast effort in 20 years. He has published over 1,000 articles since January 2021, is syndicated on 15 websites, and is published on over 65 sites. Ray is passionate about his writing and sees the Internet as the only way for Conservatives to compete with the mainstream media. Ray claims there will be much to discuss as we move forward and his blog will not focus strictly on Washington but will also delve into State and Local issues as well. There is so much going on and so little factual sources of information to rely on.

Published by
Ray Cardello

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