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WATCH: Ron DeSantis Destroys Tony Fauci In New Ad

The Blue State Conservative

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis keeps delivering wins for the American people. I’ve written about it before and elsewhere, and I’ll just say it again here: DeSantis needs to be the Republican’s 2024 presidential nominee.

His team’s latest video is a compilation of the disgraced, discredited, and yet somehow, still-employed Tony Fauci making every possible policy claim to respond to Covid, all of them depending on the political mood of the country. Don’t panic. Panic. Don’t mask up. Mask up. Stop wearing masks. Wear two masks! Close schools. Open schools. Trump bad. Biden good. 

The only thing missing was Fauci telling us vaccines are safe, effective, prevent infection, and stop the transmission of Covid. The Blue State Conservative previously published this article going through the various quotes experts provided regarding vaccine efficacy vis-a-vis infection and transmission. (Even though the EUA for Pfizer at the time even acknowledged that the vaccines hadn’t demonstrated to perform either of those critical functions). Fauci’s exact words were that “the virus stops with every vaccinated person” – even though he knew it didn’t from Pfizer’s clinical trial data and real-world data, particularly from Israel. 

The DeSantis video comes on the heels of the FDA revoking the Emergency Use Authorization for two monoclonal antibody treatments, which Florida has aggressively used alongside every other available treatment.  The ostensible reason behind the FDA’s move was that monoclonals are ineffective against the Omicron variant. Of course, with that line of thinking, then it should also pull any emergency use for the vaccines since they are pretty much worthless against it too. Once more, we see that politics are a lot more important than reasonable medical decisions.

After completing the montage of various Fauci lies, the video ends with the tranquil, rhythmic lapping of waves and serene imagery of a Florida beach. Fauci might have failed, but Florida remained free. It concludes with the simple message: Fauci can pound sand.

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. 

Watch the video here:

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