
Ten Responses For Insufferable Racists Like Marc Lamont Hill

I was introduced to Marc Lamont Hill when he made regular appearances on cable news’ perpetual number one show, The O’Reilly Factor, over a decade ago. Even back then, there was nothing particularly impressive about Hill. He was a young black college professor who got camera time only to present some insane leftist position. It is just one example of how un-racist individuals like the white O’Reilly and the entire majority-white United States are. If there was so much racism, why did they give this bum a chance on air, particularly when his questionable backstory was so well-known?

Suffice to say, Hill has only gotten worse.

There is a show that is apparently allowed to title itself “Black News Tonight.” It was on this racist program that the host, the fast-talking but empty-worded fool, asked his guest, the journalist Chris Rufo, if there was anything he enjoyed about being white. He asked only to antagonize the guest. It was most certainly not a question rooted in curiosity. It followed a long line of build up as the two debated the theory and application of Critical Race Theory.

Now, for perspective on this set up, imagine if there were a white supremacist with a mainstream broadcast titled “White News Tonight.” If the show featured a black guest and the neo-Nazi host asked him to help uncover any redeeming qualities of the black race, how would that play out?

Fortunately, there is no widespread white supremacy that allows for such garbage to exist. Unfortunately, there is pervasive black supremacy, and it made its usual appearance in the form of ignorant hate towards the amicable guest. Chris Rufo deftly swatted the question of positive attributes of the white race by responding in part with: “I don’t buy into the framework that the world can be reduced into these metaphysical categories of whiteness and blackness, I think that’s wrong.” He went on to say that traits like timeliness, which have somehow been attached to all whites, “should be ascribed to every human being.”

This was a textbook crash course in how to hold discourse with a delusional leftist. First, reject the framework. Second, notice how things that help whites succeed are things that can help everyone succeed. No white person is telling black people that it’d be cultural appropriation to be on time.

Aside from a minority of individuals like Rufo, regular folks that just want to go to work, raise a family, and be left alone are not always as articulate in their rejection of what they know to be an evil mindset. This interview provided an insight into how we can all better push back against indoctrination. In addition to rejecting the framework outright, here are ten other ways to respond to people whose brains have been melted by Critical Race Theory. Here are ten other ways we think Rufo could have turned the tables and exposed Hill’s blatant racism.

Response #1: Throw the question back to Hill.

Hill asked Rufo what he liked about his whiteness. The obvious implication is that Hill finds nothing redeemable about white people or white culture. Rufo could have generically said that there are things he likes about it (like Hill did) and also that he was curious what Hill found positive. What does Hill like about white culture? Chances are the host would have come up empty handed and, while not personally feeling shame, would at least further expose himself for the leftist tool he is.

Response #2: Ask Hill to explain racism.

Is it racist for a college to deny more-qualified Asians admittance? Is it racist for employers to consider the race of the prospective employee, such as United Airlines or Lori Lightfoot seek to do? Was it racist for whites to segregate blacks from society; if so, what is different about black-only college graduations or employers segregating people by race in CRT training sessions?

If disproportionality – such as higher rates of expulsion from high school or incarceration – are clear cut indicators of racism, then what does the FBI data mean when it shows 90% of interracial, black-white violent crime skews black on white, with just 10% of that skewing white on black? Most violent crime against Asians is also committed by blacks. Does this disproportionality represent either a more violent or racist tendency by blacks toward the “other”?

Study after study shows that anyone that follows three simple steps of graduating high school,  getting a job, and getting married before having kids essentially guarantees passage into the American middle class. What is more racist – calling people racist who support these so-called bourgeois values or assuming blacks are incapable of graduating high school, holding down a job, and getting married before having a child?

Who do you think is more responsible for inner-city, black-on-black failures (such as fatherlessness, gang violence, incarceration, etc.) – a random white rancher in northwest Idaho who emigrated from Latvia a decade ago or black leaders like Barack Obama and Al Sharpton who repeatedly peddle narratives saying blacks cannot achieve anything on their own until white supremacy is eradicated?

Response #3: Agree with the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African-American History and Culture.

Rufo cited the whiteness posters created by a Smithsonian (i.e. taxpayer) museum last summer. These posters included characteristics of white people that suggested their power and privilege derived from, among other things, a strong work ethic, focus on the scientific model, resilience, timeliness, and proper grammar. He made the point that these are good characteristics for all people, but the opportunity was there to remind everyone that these posters were essentially showing the way to American success.

It is perfectly fine to own that pretty much the entire poster has laid out the building blocks of a successful individual life and successful culture. Rufo could have asked Hill: “Did unprecedented liberties from the Constitution, slavery abolition, medical advancements, technological advancements, and increased standard of living arise in the United States or African nations? Is it a coincidence that traits geared toward progress existed in a country that actually progressed more than any other? (To be clear, this has nothing to do with any race, but rather the values, that generated distinctions.)

Also, just ask Hill how he would have felt if the KKK had put out an identical poster? If the only thing that changed was the heading on these posters, wouldn’t that be pretty awful?

Response #5: Ask Marc Lamont Hill why he still lives in the United States.

It’s a really easy question: If America is so bad, then why are you still here? There are hundreds of thousands of Central American refugees coming here to escape oppression in their own homelands; wouldn’t it make sense for you to escape this alleged oppression for a better life somewhere else? He makes it clear he hates this country, hates its history, hates the people, and doesn’t feel like he belongs. You know what? I hear Africa is nice.

Response #6: Ask  Hill how he overcame systemic racism to become a professor, sign a lucrative contract with Fox News, appear on cable news’ number one program, and now host his own television show.

When the fifth response is ignored, turn his non-immigration status back on him again. Race-hustling blacks are notorious for citing all of the problems of the world from their ivory ebony tower. The term “systemic racism” came up multiple times in the interview, as the host attempted to make his guest concede that blacks are still at a disadvantage because of their skin color. An easy retort to shut this line of thinking down, but one that is never asked, would be: “If systemic racism is so prevalent, how did you make it to the top?”

The question could further be explored by asking about Al Sharpton, Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, black millionaire athletes and entrepreneurs, and the many black doctors and thought leaders in this country. Thomas Sowell grew up in the Jim Crow South and later the degenerate community of Harlem in the 1930s and 1940s. How did he become the preeminent philosopher of the 20th and 21st century? If Hill did it, it would be a lot more genuine for him to share his steps to success instead of telling every other black they can’t achieve what he has.

Response #7: Explore the notion of a universal “black culture.”

Hill named “black culture” as one of the things he liked about the black race. First off, to immediately say that black race equals a great black culture misses the point. Race is immutable; culture is chosen and adopted. Yes, there is overlap on racial and cultural issues, but let’s not pretend that black skin means everyone thinks and feels the same. Do all blacks like, or excel at, basketball? Do all blacks agree with Black Lives Matter?

Other than black skin, what does Marc Lamont Hill have in common with Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder, or Tim Scott? Other than looking similar, do they agree on anything moral or philosophical?

I would tell Marc Lamont Hill that I have more in common with Candace Owens, who is neither of my race nor my sex, than I do with Joe Biden, who shares both of those God-given traits with me. Does Hill think he can swap me out with Hitler because we’re both white men? Apparently so.

Response #8: Ask why black culture is only viewed as a positive when there are examples of derogatory and deadly effects. 

A nuanced human being would recognize that there are always two sides to a coin. It is painful to comment on such a basic truth. Some white people brought slaves to America, sure. Many more fought to abolish it, leaders of northern states did, and many more died in the war that eventually emancipated black slaves and ensured it would never happen again. It took a white male president to lead a nation into battle against itself. This white nation has granted blacks the highest standard of living in the world. Did bad things happen? Of course. Rufo concedes that point, as would any rational human being.

In the world of Marc Lamont Hill and all people adversely affected by a combination of Critical Race Theory and Trump Derangement Syndrome, though, only whites can and should be viewed negatively. It would be fair to ask him what he thinks of rap music and rap culture about perpetuating harmful, derogatory, and deadly outgrowth like objectifying women and equating manliness to drug use and gun violence.

There are some wonderful things about every culture, and then some truly heinous things about many as well. Does Hill believe black culture is perfect? I would argue that makes him a black supremacist. Just for fun, I would also point out how such a viewpoint erodes the entire leftist philosophy of cultural relativism.

Response #9: Be honest about the greatness of white historical figures.

The insanity in Critical Race Theory is that it forces people to think about their race, which is inconsequential to folks with a more evolved sense of humanity. Yes, I am white, but who cares? I more readily identify as a brother, father, son, husband, employee, employer, colleague, entrepreneur, golfer, reader, athlete, man, Christian, cook, boater, cigar smoker, whiskey drinker, YouTube binger, etc. than a white person. I would rather have 100 black friends who likewise view themselves through those infinite lenses than I would one white friend who tells me they bought a black doll so they can raise their baby as an anti-racist.

Contrast that to the idiots peddling the idea that race is a social construct and meaningless. Ironically, they want us to only focus on race in every conversation. Does that make sense?

But he asked the question to focus on just race, so fine. What do I like about whiteness in America? I love that the white Founding Fathers were educated enough from studying classical literature and the Bible to have learned the shortcomings of human nature as it applies to governance of one another. I love that they were able to implement checks and balances to guarantee individual liberties. Later, I love that white abolitionists moved to end the horrific practice of slavery. While America is despised for its colonization, it’s too bad they couldn’t export abolition to all parts of Africa and Asia. I love that a white president ended slavery; that a white president integrated the armed forces; that a white president signed the Civil Rights Act; that a recent white president reduced black unemployment to record-low levels and significantly increased funding for HBCUs. Should I go on?

I love that mostly white soldiers have died in multiple world wars to protect not only my freedoms, but the freedoms of other human souls. It is the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good. What sacrifices have you made to improve the world, Marc?

#10: Being white means not questioning outcomes in life.

I feel bad for the black population that adopts the CRT/victim mindset. Not because of white supremacy, mind you, but because their entire worldview has been crafted in a way that they will never truly appreciate their full potential. Either they fall short as a result of being convinced no amount of effort will help them overcome their racist overlords – or they do succeed but always question if they made it because of their merits or were gifted these successes because of affirmative action.

I have no doubt that Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder, Candace Owens, and millions of every-day blacks wake up, thank God for their great fortune, and know in their hearts that their hard work produced success and happiness for their personal lives. We should all be so lucky.

However, I don’t hide the fact that I will always harbor doubts about someone’s educational or professional achievements if there are known affirmative action policies that make it easier to do so. Did all those blacks earn a spot in Harvard or Yale? Did those black doctors, lawyers, and pilots beat out the best of the competition? We don’t know and we can’t know for certain, because institutions in higher education actively promote “diversifying” their campuses and companies like Coca-Cola and United Airlines tell us that they prefer skin color variety over maximum competence and ability.

Again, who is the bigger racist: Me for harboring doubts stemming from stated preferential treatment or them for insisting the only way blacks can succeed is with a lowered bar?

Content syndicated from TheBlueStateConservative.com with permission.

Parker Beauregard

Published by
Parker Beauregard

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