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Hunter Biden Acknowledges Only Four Of His Five Children In Memoir, Ignoring Love Child He Had With Stripper

  • Hunter Biden’s tell-all, released Tuesday, is anything but. 
  • The president’s son glosses over several controversial topics in the book, including a Justice Department investigation against him, his work for a Chinese energy company linked to the communist party, and a laptop he allegedly dropped off at a repair shop in 2019 and never retrieved. 
  • Biden also fails to acknowledge all of his children. He refers to his three daughters and one son, ignoring a child he had in 2018 with a stripper who sued him for paternity. 

Hunter Biden acknowledges only four of his five children in a memoir released on Tuesday, obscuring his paternity of a child he fathered with a stripper in 2018.

“I’m a fifty-one year old father who helped raise three beautiful daughters, two in college and one who graduated last year from law school, and now a year-old son,” Biden writes at the beginning of “Beautiful Things: A Memoir.”

Biden was referring to three daughters he has with his first wife, Kathleen, and a son with his current wife, Melissa Cohen. In between, Biden fathered a child with Lunden Alexis Roberts, an Arkansas native who sued Biden for paternity in 2019.

Biden mentions Roberts only in passing at the end of his 272-page tell-all, though he does not identify her by name.

He refers to Roberts obliquely on page 231 of the book.

“​It’s why I would later challenge in court the woman in Arkansas who had a baby in 2018 and claimed the child was mine. I had no recollection of our encounter. That’s how little connection I had with anyone. I was a mess, but a mess I’ve taken responsibility for,” he writes.

Biden reached a settlement with Roberts in March 2020, months after a DNA test confirmed he was the father of Roberts’ child. The judge handling the case excoriated Biden at one point for repeated attempts to delay the litigation.

Biden’s love child is not the only scandal he ignores in the memoir.

Nowhere in the book does Biden discuss a pending Justice Department investigation against him or his work for a Chinese energy firm believed to have ties to China’s military. He makes only one brief mention of a laptop that he allegedly dropped off at a computer repair shop in Delaware in April 2019.

Contents of the laptop were reported by The New York Post weeks before the 2020 election.

In the closing passages of the memoir, Biden writes that several Trump supporters, including lawyer Rudy Giuliani, “purported to have a laptop that chronicled the lurid details of my descent into addiction the last three years.”

Giuliani has said he obtained a copy of Biden’s laptop from a Delaware computer repairman who said that Biden left it at his shop in April 2019 and never came back to get it.

In an interview with CBS that aired last Friday, Biden suggested that the device was hacked or stolen, perhaps by Russian intelligence operatives. He does not make similar allegations in the book.

The book also does not discuss a Justice Department investigation opened against Biden in 2018 into his tax and business dealings. Biden confirmed on Dec. 9, 2020 that he was under investigation. He said in an interview with CBS that he is “100% certain” that he will be cleared of wrongdoing.

Biden’s work for CEFC China Energy is also ignored.

According to a report released in September by Senate Republicans, bank regulators flagged some of the $6 million in wire payments that CEFC made to Biden as possible evidence of criminal activity.

The Republicans said in the report that Biden’s dealings with CEFC and other foreign companies raised “counterintelligence” and “extortion” concerns.

Biden does discuss one prominent controversy at length: his work for Ukrainian energy giant Burisma Holdings.

Biden denies any wrongdoing in his dealings with Burisma, which has been dogged by bribery allegations against its owner, Mykola Zlochevsky.

Republicans have accused Joe Biden of intervening when he served as vice president in 2016 to help Burisma fight a corruption investigation in Ukraine at the time.

While Hunter Biden denies in the book that his father ever helped Burisma, he acknowledged that his family name was a “coveted credential” that helped him land a spot on Burisma’s board in April 2014.

He says that that his “name’s weight” in Ukraine was derived from his father’s lead role on the administration’s Ukraine portfolio.

Hunter Biden also calls his five-figure monthly stipend a “handsome sum” that lured him into working for the company.

Biden portrays Burisma in a positive light, despite the past bribery investigations.

He says that the company served as a “bulwark” against the Russian government’s efforts to procure Ukraine’s natural gas supplies.

Biden also suggests that his position on the board would send a signal to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“To put it more bluntly: having a Biden on Burisma’s board was a loud and unmistakable fuck-you to Putin,” he writes.

Biden’s lawyer did not respond to a request for comment.

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Chuck Ross

Published by
Chuck Ross
Tags: Hunter Biden

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