NYU Denies Claims It’s Creating Race-Based Dorms
New York University (NYU) denied claims that it is establishing a racially segregated dorm in a statement.
World Socialist Web Site reported Monday that NYU was moving forward with a plan to make racially segregated dorms following a petition started by the advocacy group Black Violets.
“A story claiming that NYU is implementing ‘racial segregation in its dorms’ is false and misleading,” NYU spokesman John Beckman said in the statement.
“The University strongly supports the goals of diversity, and of creating an environment that is welcoming, supportive, and inclusive for students of color and students from marginalized communities,” he said. “NYU does not have and will not create student housing that excludes any student based on race.”
Beckman said a group of black students contacted the school’s administration about creating a designated floor in a dorm for exploring themes of black culture and history. NYU has previously established other themed floors called “Exploration Floors.”
“During the course of the discussion about the application process–which is ongoing–the Housing Office staff made clear that all Exploration Floors must be open to applicants of all races and backgrounds,” Beckman said in the statement.
Two NYU students created the Black Violets, which worked with a student government leader earlier this year to petition the university for more “black housing,” according to Washington Square News, a student newspaper.
“We appreciate the petition authors’ position,” Beckman told the students.
“Res Life staff have reached out to the authors of the petition to discuss how we might move forward with their goals. Given the COVID-related challenges to the student housing system for 2020-2021, these conversations would be aiming towards 2021-2022,” he said.
NYU Senior Director of Executive Communications Shonna Keogan directed the Daily Caller News Foundation’s inquiries to the school statement. NYU’s Center for Student Life and Black Violets did not immediately respond to the DCNF.
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