Behind the Scenes of Solar: Solar Energy Pros and Cons
Did you know that solar installations in the USA alone reached 2 million and this number is climbing rapidly?
People have become more environmentally responsible. This means that the move towards sources of energy that are renewable and will not damage the environment is moving quickly.
Are you thinking of installing solar energy solutions for your home or business? You may want to educate yourself as to solar energy pros and cons. How can you do this? Why not follow our in-depth guide in the article below.
The Pros: The Cost of Generating Solar Power is Zero
For many solar power users in the USA, one of the main attractions of solar power is that the source of the power is free. Once the installation has been paid for the cost, the fuel, essential sunlight, is free.
The only real calculation is whether the expense of the investment is cheaper when considering the money saved over the long term. While it is true that homeowners are interested in the environmental benefits of solar power, solar power is now considered financially advantageous over fossil fuel energy.
This is often not given as a selling point for solar power since it is only in the last 6 years that solar technology has become cheaper. Before this, it was generally purchased by people or companies that wanted to benefit the environment. Happily, there are now environmental and financial reasons why solar power is a good energy source.
The Pros: Insurance against Rising Power Prices
Solar panels are generally known to have a lifespan of approximately 25 years. This means that once you secure your contract for the installation of your panels you can predict the cost of your energy bills for the next 25 years.
In a world as unstable as ours and subject to political and economic changes on a daily basis, this is a pretty big advantage. The cost of the fuel for solar power, the sun, will remain constant and free for the considerable future.
Of course, you will need to ensure that you negotiate a suitable installation package from a specialist company such as
The Pros: A Clean Renewable Source of Energy
The environmental impact of solar power is well documented. It does not belch carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Its fuel is the sun which will continue to provide for an estimated 6.5 billion years. Unlike coal and other fossil fuels, there is no risk of the fuel source running out in the near future.
People now see finding a stable renewable energy source as one of the top priorities for humankind. In the future, this may also mean renewable fuel sources may be required for compliance with governmental policy.
The Pros: Environmentally Friendly
The conversion of solar energy into electricity does not cause pollution. The creation of equipment to harness this energy does create some pollution however this is very minimal when contrasted with the burning of fossil fuels. In the long term, solar power always wins the prize for the cleanest energy source against fossil fuels.
The Cons: Energy Storage is Expensive
Now to the bad news. Harnessing solar power is cheap and the fuel source is free, however, the storage of this energy is not free or cheap. Although some companies such as Tesla are trying to lower the cost of renewable energy, storage costs still remain expensive.
Fortunately, the times when we need the most electricity coincides with the time when the sun is strongest. During the middle of the day. The lowest point being during the night when the least electricity is provided.
The Cons: It Does Create Some Pollution
Solar power is less polluting than fossil fuels, however, this does not mean that it does not pollute. The manufacture of solar panels and equipment involve Nitrogen trifluoride and sulfur hexafluoride. These are stronger polluters than carbon dioxide.
There is also som incidental pollution caused by the transportation and installation of solar panels. There is no completely pollutant-free method of creating energy. However solar power far outweighs the dangers that fossil fuels pose to the environment.
The Cons: Rare Materials
Thin-film solar cells include some rare, and potentially dangerous, materials that are very expensive. These include cadmium telluride (CdTe) or copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS).
The Cons: Solar Equipment is Fixed to a Location
Solar power installations can save you money over the long term. However, the basic calculation assumes that you do not move location. When solar panels are installed they are often fixed and difficult to move to a new location.
This means it is often easier to install new equipment in a new location than to transfer it from place to place. In addition to this the net metering agreement that you will have signed, is not bound to a person, but rather to your dwelling. This means you will need to create a new one should you move.
The good news is that solar installations generally add value to a house. This means that the added value you receive from your house can be put towards your new installation.
Solar Energy Pros and Cons and Everything Else
With green and sustainable energy solutions becoming more and more important in the world of today, it is important to have realistic expectations. After discussing solar energy pros and cons, you may now want to make the leap to solar power and begin to implement it.
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