President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Tuesday, October 23, 2018
President Donald Trump will deliver remarks at a State Leadership Day Conference then sign America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 into law.
In the evening, the president will receive a briefing from senior military leaders and have dinner with them.
Keep up with Trump on President Trump’s Schedule Page.
President Trump’s schedule for 10/23/18
All Times EDT:
- 2:00 PM Deliver remarks at the White House State Leadership Day Conference for Alaska, California, and Hawaii local officials – EEOB South Court Auditorium
- 3:00 PM Sign S. 3021, Americas Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 into law – Oval Office
- 6:00 PM Receive a briefing from senior military leaders – Cabinet Room
- 7:35 PM Dinner with senior military leaders – State Dining Room
White House Briefing Schedule
- None
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