Updated: President Donald Trump’s Schedule Wednesday, July 18, 2018
President Donald Trump will hold a cabinet meeting Wednesday morning.
The president and first lady will then fly to Joint Airforce Base Andrews to pay their respects to the family of fallen United States Secret Service Special Agent Nole Edward Remagen who suffered a stroke while on duty in Scotland.
President Trump’s schedule for 7/18/18
All Times EDT:
- 11:30 AM Hold a cabinet meeting – Cabinet Room
- 1:10 PM The president and first lady Depart White House via Marine One en route to Joint Base Andrews
- 3:00 PM Depart Joint Base Andrews en route to the White House
White House Briefing Schedule
- 2:00 PM Press Briefing with the Press Secretary Sarah Sanders – White House Briefing Room [Live Stream]
See all of the president’s schedules HERE
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