
SHOCKER: Companies Pulling NRA Support Totally Backfires


by Robert Donachie

Americans aren’t happy with companies that severed ties with the National Rifle Association (NRA) in the wake of the tragic Florida high school shooting this month, according to a Wednesday Morning Consult poll.

Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Norton Antivirus, LifeLock, MetLife, Alamo, National Car Rental and SimpliSafe cut ties with the NRA in response to the Feb. 14 Parkland, Fla., high school shooting that claimed the lives of 17 individuals.

Morning consult surveyed 2,201 adults from Feb. 23-25 regarding their views of each company. The polling agency asked each respondent if they had a “favorable or unfavorable” view of each company before and after they were informed of the company’s choice to cut ties with the NRA.

Net favorability among all adult respondents fell between two and 18 percent for all companies after subjects learned of cutting ties with the NRA.

Before respondents were informed of MetLife’s decision, they had a 45 percent favorable and a 12 percent unfavorable rating. After respondents found out, unfavorable views doubled to 24 percent.

Republican respondents experienced the most precipitous drops in net approval. For example, net favorability among Republican respondents fell 61 percentage points for Enterprise-Rent-A-Car.

Democratic respondents saw a jump in approval once they were informed of each companies move. Democratic respondents net favorability for rose dramatically for the majority of the companies. After learning of MetLife’s decision to extricate itself from the NRA, Democratic respondents net favorability rose 23 percent.

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