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President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Wednesday, February 14, 2018
President Donald Trump will, in the morning, receive his daily briefing as prepared by the intelligence community then meet with members of Congress on infrastructure.
In the afternoon, the president will participate in a tax reform opportunity zone working session then sign two bills into law.
President Trump’s schedule for 2/14/18
- 11:00 AM Receive intelligence briefing – Oval Office
- 11:30 AM Meet with bipartisan Members of Congress on infrastructure – Cabinet Room
- 2:15 PM Participate in working session regarding the Opportunity Zones provided by tax reform – Roosevelt Room
- 3:30 PM Sign H.R. 4708, the DHS Blue Campaign Authorization Act and S. 534, the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Assault and Safe Sport Authorization Act
See all schedules for the president HERE
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