Another Black ESPN Host Rips Jerry Jones as Slave Owner
Former sports network ESPN which has now been transformed into a forum for racial grievance mongers has had yet ANOTHER one of its African-American hosts slip the chain with what could only be construed as an anti-white racist diatribe
Coming mere hours after the one-time top name in sports news was forced to suspend the extremely bigoted Jemele Hill and on the same day that another black loudmouth Stephen A. Smith launched a scurrilous attack on President Donald Trump, Michael Wilbon compared Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones to a slave owner.
One can understand Wilborn being pissed off after Ms. Hill faced some long-overdue discipline for her vile and divisive comments and by calling for a boycott against Jones’ NFL team the Dallas Cowboys but in spouting off, he proves that he is just another ignorant dumbass with an ax to grind against whitey.
Via The Hill “ESPN commentator compares Jerry Jones to a slave owner”:
An ESPN commentator blasted Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones this week, comparing him to a slave owner for his response to national anthem protests in the National Football League.
“The word that comes to my mind, and I don’t care who doesn’t like me using it, is ‘plantation,’” ESPN commentator Michael Wilbon said Monday. “The players are here to serve me, they will do what I want no matter how much I pay them. They are not equal to me. That’s what this says to me and to mine.”
Jones had threatened to bench players who don’t stand for the national anthem, a reprimand praised by President Trump, who has criticized the football protests.
One could only wish to be a “slave’ on Jerrah’s plantation according to sports salary site Spotrac which flies in the face of the assertions from the bitter race cranks at ESPN would lead you to believe.
Slave owner my ass!
Wilbon is suggesting that the oppressed “slaves” on Jerry’s Dallas plantation are busting their asses in 100-degree heat picking cotton under the threat of the lash in exchange for a bowl of sloppy collard greens mixed with dirt every night of their miserable existence of servitude to the man. As a side note, I have never personally liked Jerry Jones who I always viewed as a self-promoting jackass but he always took care of his players financially if he thought that they could help him win a Super Bowl.
Check it OUT – you sure as hell won’t hear this on ESPN. Massah Jones has long had a reputation of paying top-dollar for players that will help him win and he should seriously consider suing ESPN for defamation over the sleazy hit job that has been directed at him the last few days but employees that the network is unable to control.
The desperation is palpable as the entire house of cards of oppressed multimillionaires is collapsing and ESPN needs to go down with them.