OOPS! FEMA Tweeted Sex Line Phone Number for Hurricane Irma Relief

With the massive response required to assist people who were affected by Hurricane Irma in Florida, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) mistakenly tweeted the number for a phone sex line instead of the number for the Operation Blue Roof program.

The error was quickly pointed out and the agency deleted the original tweet and sent out another with the right phone number.

Via the Palm Beach Post “Report: FEMA mistakenly tweets number for sex line instead of disaster relief”:

While offering help to Florida residents in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, the Federal Emergency Management Agency accidentally tweeted a phone number for a sex line.

According to the Consumerist, FEMA Region 4’s Twitter account instructed people who needed disaster relief to call 1-800-ROOF-BLU for their program called “Operation Blue Roof,” which helps homeowners repair damaged roofs.

Twitter users quickly caught the mistake, and tweeted out that the phone number was directing them to a sex hotline.

“Callers who dial that number, however, are greeted by an automated message welcoming callers to ‘America’s hottest talk line,’ where ‘hot ladies’ are purportedly waiting to talk to guys, and women can talk to ‘interesting and exciting guys’ for ‘free,’” the Consumerist reports.

FEMA posted a new tweet with the correct phone number, which is 1-888-ROOF-BLU.


One can hardly blame FEMA when considering the amount of damage done in the Sunshine State but it would have been far less embarrassing for big government had it been any other business that was on the other end of 1-800-ROOF-BLU instead of a dial-up masturbation boiler room.

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Donn Marten

Donn Marten is a fearless truth teller who calls it like he sees it despite the prevailing establishment narrative. The opinions expressed belong solely to this author and not do not necessarily reflect those of CDN itself.

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