President Donald Trump’s Schedule for Monday, August 21, 2017
President Donald Trump will receive his daily briefing as prepared by the intelligence community, have lunch with the vice president, meet with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and participate in a swearing-in ceremony during the day on Monday.
That night, the president will deliver an address to the nation which is expected to include his strategy on Afghanistan.
President Trump’s schedule for Monday, 8/21/17
- 10:30 am Receive daily intelligence briefing – Oval Office
- 12:30 pm Lunch with Vice President Pence
- 1:30 pm Meet with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
- 4:00 pm Participate in a swearing-in ceremony of Robert Wood “Woody” Johnson IV as United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom
- 9:00 pm Deliver a presidential address to the nation – Fort Meyer, Virginia [Live Stream]
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