Trump and the Muslim problem
Friday, at a Rochester, New Hampshire town hall-like appearance, Donald Trump was told by a member of the audience, “We have a problem in this country. It’s called Muslims,” and “You know our current president is one. You know he’s not even an American.” Now there was the problem. This man made a statement which he can according to the Constitution of the United States but the problem that has created the current controversy is that Trump allowed the speaker to do just that , speak his mind. Trump didn’t interrupt him, he listened, then made a quip about why did this have to be the first statement and then told the gentlemen we do have to work on Muslim extremism that results in terrorism.
Sunday morning, Trump had to answer questions of his decision not to defend the President about being a Muslim. George Stephanopoulos of This Week (ABC), ask Trump about the decision not to interject and object the blanket statement by the gentlemen. Trump explained he wasn’t there to talk about whether President Obama was or was not born here. As for the question of whether Muslims are a problem for this country, Trump stated that yes the United States does have problems with some Muslim groups, but continuing said, “You look around the world, it’s a problem. If I said no, not at all, people would laugh at me. Now, it might be the right thing to say. I don’t care what the right thing to say is, but certainly what’s happening with some Muslims and, you know, terrorism and everything else, it seems pretty much confined there. It’s a problem. We can say no, but it is.”
Later Sunday morning, Trump was being interviewed on the State of the Union (CNN) with John Tapper when again the question of Muslims being a threat to the national security of the United States. Trump replied that “”You have radicals that are doing things. I mean, it wasn’t people from Sweden that blew up the World Trade Center.” Blunt and to the point Trump spoke what many Americans feel is true. Tapper continued questioning Trump about the fact that Trump did not interrupt the gentleman who said, our President is a Muslim. “It was a question that was asked in front of a totally packed house.” He continued that, “We do have a problem with radical Muslims, there’s no question about that.”
Continuing the round on Sunday morning, Trump stated on NBC’s Meet the Press that “”We can be politically correct and say there is no problem whatsoever, but the fact is, there is a problem with some and it’s a very severe problem and it’s a problem that’s taking place all over the world.” Asked if Trump would be comfortable with a Muslim president he responded,”Would I be comfortable? I don’t know if we have to address it right now. Some people have said it already happened.” Looking at the week on a whole it was a very good week for Trump.