NBC Post Debate Poll: Fiorina won debate, Cruz biggest gainer
The first scientific poll after the Thursday night debate has come out and those polled thought that Trump did not have the best performance of those on the stage.
NBC News/Survey Monkey poll queried respondents from all party affiliations regardless of their likeliness to vote in the republican primary election.
The results show that first place went to former HP CEO Carly Fiorina. Carly was featured in the earlier “happy hour” debate forum and showed clear understanding of the issues and a confidence befitting a lead candidate. Only 2% of respondents felt that Fiorina had the worst performance while 22% said she had the best.
Trump’s results clearly demonstrate how polarizing he is. While 18% felt that he was the best candidate in the debate, 29% felt that he was the worst.
If we arrange the candidates in order for who had the best overall (positive – negative) results. The top three would be:
- Carly Fiorina +20 (+22, -2)
- Marco Rubio +12 (+13, -1)
- Ted Cruz +11 (+12, -1)
And the bottom three?
Donald Trump and Rand Paul tie for last with -11 (Trump: +18, -29 and Paul: +3 ,-14.) The next to last was Lindsey Graham at -8.
Donald’s unfavorable numbers are his biggest challenge. While many love him, many more do not. This could be the largest factor in why Trump is leaving the door to an independent run open.
The biggest support gainer in the polls after the debate was Ted Cruz. Cruz more than doubled his support with a 7 point gain after the evening’s affair while Trump only gained a single point.
Likely due to Trump’s insistence that he will run as an independent should he lose the nomination, the poll asked the question of Trump supporters – if Donald runs as an independent who would you vote for?
Trump, as of Saturday, does still lead the Republican pack. He is 10 points ahead of Ted Cruz who is now in second place and gaining fast. While Jeb Bush and Scott Walker took huge hits following lackluster debate performances.
The Survey Monkey poll was a short-soak (24 hour) poll. Some longer running. more-insightful polls should yield a clearer picture of where the candidates stand and are expected to be released early this week.