Obama: Still A Legend In His Own Mind

Another State of The Union address has gone by, if you replayed Obama’s first one, then you have seen all the rest. Oh, the words are different, but his message is the same in all of them; tax and spend, tax and spend, that has been his agenda from day one. According to Obama, the world loves us, al-qaeda is on the run and all is right with the world.

We live in a country where the top 10% pay 70% of taxes, but that’s not good enough, Obama will not be happy until the top 10% pays 100% of taxes, and he talks about being fair, give me a break. More taxes and more government regulation is what Obama is all about, he truly believes that government is the answer to all things.

Obama said in his speech, “The shadow of crisis has passed, and the State of the Union is strong.” I guess he overlooked the poll that said over 60% of Americans believe we are still in a recession, along with the 60% who think America is heading in the wrong direction. The labor force participation rate is now 62.7 percent, the lowest level since 1978. Wages are not really growing much either, median family income dropped nearly 4 percent under Obama’s rule. Yes the unemployment rate has dropped to 5.6%, mainly because so many people have dropped out and gave up looking for work. The economy is certainly better, but the shadow of the crisis is likely to be with the U.S. for at least a couple more years.

“The verdict is clear middle-class economics works. Expanding opportunity works. And these policies will continue to work, as long as politics don’t get in the way,” says Obama. Policies continue to work? He said before this past midterm election, that his policies were on the ballot and his party got their ass handed to them because Americans did not think much of his policies. As far as politics is concerned, that is what Obama lives by; he doesn’t make a move unless politics is involved.

More free stuff is what Obama is calling for, after all Democrats have been using that same strategy for the past 200 years, promise free stuff to get votes. On the one hand he wants an initiative providing free community college for two years for students who keep up their grades, yet as part of his tax plan, he is calling for ending a tax break for college savings plans known as 529 plans. Under the change, earnings on contributions could not be withdrawn tax-free, as they can be now. I don’t get it, if someone can pay for their own college they get penalized, but if you didn’t save for college, you get rewarded with free college; there is something wrong with that picture.

Again he is calling for infrastructure spending, saying our roads and bridges are collapsing. What happened to that Trillion dollar stimulus package that was supposed to go for our infrastructure? You remember, all those “shovel ready jobs that were not quite shovel ready as we thought.” That money went to failed “green” companies such as Solyndra. You can bet that Obama’s friends are already standing in line with their hands out.

   “We can’t slow down businesses or put our economy at risk with government shutdowns or fiscal showdowns.” Hey, Obama, what about all your government regulation, how much has that slowed our economy, you are the reason this country has taken so long to rebound. He consistently says he is for the middle class, yet his policies have only made the rich richer and the poor poorer.

There is nothing new in what Obama has to say, he says free stuff, but most of us know there is nothing free in life; someone is going to have to pay for it, and if there are people out there who think the other guy is going to pay for it and not you, you are living in a fantasy world, just like Obama, because his hand will be in your pocket too.

“What Kind Of Society Are We Leaving Our Kids” Available here.

This is one man’s opinion.




Chris Vaca

Published by
Chris Vaca
Tags: Politics

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