ISIS Finds Saddam’s WMD’s
REUTERS TV/REUTERS Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi stepped into the world spotlight via a 21-minute video of a surprise sermon he gave a week ago in Mosul, one of the Iraqi cities his fast-moving group, ISIS, has captured.
During the Iraq war the left wing media did a pretty good job in attacking George Bush’s incurrence there saying he lied and there were no WMD’s there and thousands died. Well everyone said Saddam had them. Germany said he had them, France said he had them, Great Britain said he had them, Saudi Arabia said he had them. Everyone said he had them, so how is Bush lying? I remember the military saying how they found 500 tons of Sarin gas that Saddam used to kill millions of his people and they shipped it here to be buried somewhere yet the mainstream anti conservative, anti-republican, pro lib socialist/communist media said Bush lied.
And now we find out, that there was in fact an entire Saddam WMD complex, seized now by the ISIS that was known about, with bunkers full of deadly WMD’s/Chemical weapons, and it’s been sitting there all along. The UN stored tones of highly deadly nerve agents like sarin and VX and blister agents like mustard at Al Muthanna between 1994-96–and sealed the compound to be dealt with later. But still intact are two huge bunkers with the WMD in them. The bunkers are sealed with reinforced concrete, but they are in the hands of ISIS. The nerve agent in the bunkers will by now have degraded to a toxic ‘sludge’ but the mustard will be viable. Rightly, British and American governments have played down this event to prevent panic in Iraq and elsewhere.
The Saudis are warning both the Americans and the British to stay out of this, as it has become a civil war and terrorists are turning on each other.
Here is what we do know. When the American military was in place, NONE of this genocide was occurring. I guess the only potential winner here is George Bush? And perhaps the Conservative movement.
Meanwhile Iran enriches large quantities of uranium at an alarming rate. Some experts suggest that the rogue regime could break out with a nuclear weapon in a matter of weeks, and produce 50 to 100 nuclear weapons by 2024. And Obama has reduced our nuclear facilities and military to pre-WW11 levels.
The goal of radical Islam is world domination and they are succeeding. Obama thought you could just end the war and pull out without any consequences. While we were in there we built schools and office buildings for the people, gave them infrastructure and taught them about democracy. Women could hold jobs and be in government. We were training the army there to resist anti- freedom intrusion. This takes years to accomplish which is why we still have troops in many countries today. Obama pulled out and ISIS ( the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) led by the terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who Obama let out of GITMO in 2009, took over conquering city after city destroying everything we did, beheading anyone who disagrees with him and putting the country under Sharia law again. The Iraqi army we were training has surrendered to them like a bunch of wimps.
When Abu was let out of GITMO he told his guards “See you in New York.” Now we find that ISIS has been in contact with the drug cartels in Mexico and there are warnings that the next attack in America will be bigger than 9/11. We have also found prayer rugs and Korans on the Mexican/U.S. borders so more than just Central America and Mexicans are crossing over. There are also numerous sleeper cells in this country now too and slowly, but surely they are drawing their plans against us. Who knows what they are planning. Obama has been giving money and arms such as tanks and jets to the Muslim brotherhood in Egypt and has Muslim Brotherhood members in his administration. The recent declaration of a caliphate by the militant group the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is an unprecedented event in modern times. Regardless of how it turns out, one thing is clear: Violent jihadism is now an entrenched feature of the Arab political landscape and may soon be here
Bush Vindicated: Islamic Terrorists Overtake Saddam’s WMD …
Saddam era WMDs captured in Iraq by ISIS – American …
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of ISIS, steps into world’s spotlight as one of the most bloodthirsty terrorists
ISIS terrorist located Saddam’s WMDs? – The Black Sphere
ISIS Has Control of Saddam Hussein’s WMD in Iraq – 2paragraphs (contains actual photos of the facilities)