Scandal and Cover-Up= The Obama Administration
Have you noticed that every scandal with the Obama administration is designed to cover up from the previous one? First we had Fast and Furious with running guns to the Mexican cartels that resulted in two border guards being killed. Then we had Benghazi to cover that one up. Then we had the NSA scandal to cover that up. Then we had the IRS scandal to cover up the NSA spying. Then we had the VA scandal to cover up that scandal. Then we had the Berghdahl trade to cover up that one, but the VA scandal persisted and still persists. Now we have the influx/invasion of illegals coming in here and the other scandals are fast being relegated to the back pages.
Obama is having more scandals than Clinton did and everyone is criminal. He should be tried and convicted and put away in prison for a long time, but being president I’m sure he is immune. He said he was going to transform America and although I was angered at those remarks I’m sure most people didn’t realize what that transformation was about.
Obama hates America having been brought up to hate it from his training in Kenya and 20 years in Rev. Wright’s church hearing his “G—D—America” speeches week after week. Obama has admitted that it’s not right that we are the No,1 country in the world and related statements. He has members of the muslim brotherhood in his administration and sides with terrorists. He even admitted that in the beginning of his term. Remember this statement: “I will side with the muslims if the wind should take a different direction.”
The recent debacle in Iraq is a direct cause of his pulling troops out quickly without thinking of the consequences. You don’t just pull out in a war, you leave troops behind to help guide the new government and keep them stable like we did in Germany, Italy and South Korea after those wars.
In Iraq they were establishing a democratic government and a close ally to us. Women were able to get jobs and serve in the government there, we built schools and roads and new buildings for them. Now that Obama pulled out, all that is lost. The terror group ISIS is talking over city after city and putting everyone under sharia law again. They bombed everything we built for them. I don’t think sending 300 troops to protect our embassy there will do any good. It’s all smoke and mirrors like with everything else this administration does.
So all that was in vain all because Obama pulled out without realizing the consequences. Well what are we to expect from having a president who hates America and never held a job before this except being a community organizer and a senator for six months where he only voted “present.”
And the American people voted for this “great destroyer,” as David Limbaugh’s book title says, twice. America you reap what you sow!!!!
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