
SC Sen. Lindsey Graham Has A Viable Challenger

REENVILLE, S.C., April 17, 2014 /Christian Newswire/ – Amidst a crowded field of challengers, The State newspaper reported that Richard Cash leads all challengers to incumbent Lindsey Graham in cash on hand. As of March 31, 2014, Cash reported $464,056 on hand, followed by Det Bowers ($384,248), Bill Connor ($314,529), Nancy Mace ($223,000), Lee Bright ($78,557), and Benjamin Dunn ($10,000). Cash also led all challengers in the report at the end of 2013.

In addition to cash on hand, Cash has also demonstrated strong grassroots support. Cash said, “I have the most signs up around the state and as far as I know I am the only candidate to report holding large grassroots type events.” Cash had over 500 in attendance at a BBQ in Anderson in November, 300 at a BBQ in N. Augusta in early February, 140 in Greenwood in late February, and 700-800 on hand in Greenville on March 31. 

Although Lindsey Graham has an enormous financial advantage, Cash says that there is a path to victory. “I have been telling people for months,” said Cash, “that if Lindsey Graham is held in the low 40s in the primary vote, he is vulnerable to being defeated in a run-off. The latest poll shows that Graham’s approval rating is only 40%, while his disapproval rating is 44%.” If Graham is held in the low 40s on the first vote, Cash believes that money will come in from around the country to fund a competitive run-off.

Cash plans to continue his grassroots and fundraising efforts and believes he is well positioned among the challengers for the stretch run. According to Cash, “I don’t mind the competition; I’ve run in a large field before. I believe multiple candidates make it more likely that Graham will be forced into a run-off and I won a six way Congressional primary in 2010 before losing a close run-off.” The SC Republican primary is June 10th.



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