
Temple Mount Connected to Coming Blood Moon Tetrads

Authors claim tension over Temple Mount, coming tetrads on Jewish Feast days connected to end-times prophecy

CRANE, Mo., March 10, 2014 /Christian Newswire/ — With recent developments throughout the Middle East and especially those surrounding Israel, many church leaders have increasingly felt the need to clearly put into perspective the potential prophetic ramifications of what may be unfolding today. Speaking with the world’s most respected prophecy scholars, a heightened sense of awareness exists involving global events that seem, to some, torn from the pages of apocalyptic literature.

“Something is in the wind,” noted prophecy expert Tom Horn says. He points to such developments as the recent call by Jewish leaders (including in the Knesset, the legislative branch of the Israeli government) to build the Third Temple in Jerusalem; a simultaneous effort by the United States to push Israel into a peace agreement this year; political and religious leaders advocating for a single global, financial, and political authority; and even what now appears to be movement by global powers that could initiate the battle of Armageddon.

“How many know,” he asks, “that within the degrading relationship and saber rattling between the United States, Iran and Russia, as well as developments within the European Union and China exist the very components necessary for the final global conflict, called in Ezekiel 38 ‘the battle of Gog and Magog’? Something frightening yet marvelous is unfolding, and yet there is another set of related events even more fascinating people need to understand. These are the coming ‘signs’ in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars referred to as ‘Blood Moon Tetrads.’ Most are unaware these omens are not only tied to the coming Jewish Feast days — but to the third Temple.”

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