The Continued Destruction of America By Obamacare!!!
America is on life support just barely as she continues to die in Obama’s destruction, er excuse me “transformation” of America with Obamacare. As I’ve written in the past, Obamacare is based on cost effectiveness and the first signs of that are happening now. Today it was revealed that three of the country’s main hospitals are to be excluded from Obamcare to save costs. Those hospitals are Sloan Kettering in New York, Cedar Sinai in Los Angeles and MD Cancer Center in Houston. People who have to go to those hospitals will have to pay out of pocket if they don’t have their own insurance.
Americans who are buying insurance plans over online exchanges, under what is known as Obamacare, will have limited access to some of the nation’s leading hospitals, including two world-renowned cancer centres.
Amid a drive by insurers to limit costs, the majority of insurance plans being sold on the new healthcare exchanges in New York, Texas, and California, for example, will not offer patients’ access to Memorial Sloan Kettering in Manhattan or MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, two top cancer centres, or Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles, one of the top research and teaching hospitals in the country.
Experts say the move by insurers to limit consumers’ choices and steer them away from hospitals that are considered too expensive, or even “inefficient”, reflects the new competitive landscape in the insurance industry since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, Barack Obama’s 2010 healthcare law.
On top of that under Obamcare many medications will not be included to save costs and patients will have to choose a plan to see if their medications are in there and may have to pay out of pocket.
First some consumers found they couldn’t keep their existing health insurance plans. Then others learned they couldn’t keep their doctors. Now it’s possible that under Obamacare, some people won’t be able to keep their medications, or at least not afford them, under the complex formulary structure of the plans on the health exchanges and because of the rising costs.
“If you like your medicines, you may not be able to keep them under Obamacare,” health policy analyst Scott Gottlieb wrote in a Forbes column. “Health plans are cheapening their drug formularies – just like they cheapened their networks of doctors. That’s how their paying for the benefits that President Obama promised, everything from free contraception to a leveling of premiums between older (and typically costlier) beneficiaries, and younger consumers.”
The affordability of prescriptions could hinge on whether a consumer is enrolled in a platinum, gold, silver or bronze plan.
In California 70% of all doctors said they will not participate in the plan and many big firms are now studying how to avoid it. When you sign in to Obamacare you risk identity theft as there is no security and close to 400 additional bugs have been found since they said they de-bugged it. Keep in mind this is costing us close to two trillion dollars so far when Obama said it would cost 900 billion and people are losing their doctors and their plans when he said they could keep them. When you sign in you have to submit your social security number, phone number, address and medical history all which goes to the IRS in an unprotected site that has already been compromised.
Now comes word that thousands of volunteer fire houses may close due to Obamacare since Obamacare mandates that businesses with employees of 50 or more must supply insurance for their people. Even though the fire houses are volunteer they still consider it a business with more than 50 people. This is a public safety disaster.
The Affordable Care Act forces companies with more than 50 workers to buy them all health insurance or pay hefty fines
The IRS says volunteer firefighters are ‘employees,’ even though the Department of Labor says they’re ‘volunteers’
Out of more than 1 million fire departments in the U.S., 87 per cent are staffed entirely or mostly by life-saving volunteers
Members of Congress are weighing in, but the Obama administration hasn’t taken any action yet to carve out a fire-fighting exception
So far Obama and his thugs have caused millions of people to lose their doctors and plans, Clinton was brought up on impeachment charges for having sex in the oval office. This guy Obama has caused over a million people to lose their health insurance, is excluding top hospitals such as Sloan Kettering and Cedar Sinai from his plan, is causing patients to lose their medications and fire houses to close all because of him and his plan so why is he still in office instead of rotting in prison where he belongs?
Graham: ‘Worst Is Yet to Come’ Under Obamacare |