Grit and Grace on CDN – July 25th

When: Thursday, July 25th, 9pm Eastern/7pm Pacific

Where: Grit and Grace on CDN on Blog Talk Radio

What: What does a Jewish Conservative originally from New Jersey and a former liberal turned Conservative Southern Baptist from Mississippi have in common? A whole lot of Grit and Grace! Please Join Jennifer Meadows and Josh Bernstein for one of the most content rich Conservative talk shows that takes an honest and raw look at the issues affecting or nation. The Grit and Grace show is one of a kind and we promise our listeners no talking points, just real solutions.

Tonight: House GOP is lining up behind Cantor’s “Dream” bill. Republicans seem more than willing to fall for the Democrat’s tricks and give millions of illegals citizenship. We’ll discuss the latest.

There’s a showdown in the state of Texas over voting rights. Eric Holder and the DOJ want “pre-approval” in light of any changes to the laws in the state. This is in response to the recent Supreme Court decision on voter laws. Of course, the move is unconstitutional, but has that ever stopped them before??!

At 8:30 pm Central / 9:30 Eastern, Joe Newby, writer for the Examiner, will be with us to share several of his latest articles. Always something outrageous and interesting to discuss in the news. Joe will give us the rundown.

After 9:00 Central / 10:00 Eastern, Charles Johnson, radio personality from Memphis aka “the Great Black Hope” will be on board to talk about Bill O’Reilly’s “talking points memo” from earlier this week discussing issues that are plaguing the black community in America. Why are we discussing the Zimmerman trial when we should be addressing REAL problems?! AND, is it possible that we could see ministers in the country going to jail for preaching Biblical truth? Senator Ted Cruz warns Americans about “hate speech” and how defending traditional marriage could become a criminal act.

Grit & Grace Radio Show ~

PS – Callers welcome after 10:00 pm Eastern / Call in # (424) 220-1807.

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Liz Harrison (twitter: @GoldwaterGal)

Liz is a mostly-retired veteran political campaign worker, wife, mom, opinionated gal, fiscal conservative, anti-social-conservative, atheist, and foreign affairs/Mid-East politics junkie.

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