Grit and Grace on CDN – July 11th
When: Thursday, July 11th, 9pm Eastern/7pm Pacific
Where: Grit and Grace on CDN on Blog Talk Radio
What: What does a Jewish Conservative originally from New Jersey and a former liberal turned Conservative Southern Baptist from Mississippi have in common? A whole lot of Grit and Grace! Please Join Jennifer Meadows and Josh Bernstein for one of the most content rich Conservative talk shows that takes an honest and raw look at the issues affecting or nation. The Grit and Grace show is one of a kind and we promise our listeners no talking points, just real solutions.
Tonight: Immigration – the most important issue we face in America. Will House Republicans commit suicide and pass this bill??
The White House is urging Federal employees and contractors to spy on one another in an “Insider Threat” program. In particular, they were to pay close attention to the “lifestyles, attitudes and behaviors – like financial troubles, odd working hours or unexplained travel”…
This initiative covers all Federal workers including the Dept. of Education and the Peace Corps. Paranoid anyone???
At 9:30 Eastern, Nick Dranias will be with us from the Goldwater Institute to discuss the implementation nightmare that is Obamacare, and the biggest threats we face in America today to our Constitution.