NAACP says black leader doesn’t ‘believe in civil rights’

As the lone black member currently serving in the U.S. Senate, South Carolina Republican Tim Scott began taking heat from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People even before he was sworn in Thursday.
Giving him a failing grade, NAACP President Ben Jealous claimed Scott “is not one of” the “Republicans who believe in civil rights.”
The race-bating spokesperson explained the scoring system as “always about what’s in people’s hearts,” suggesting the GOP has historically “gone after so-called RINOs” based simply on their civil rights positions.
To those who view everything in terms of race, it’s a natural reaction to assume any criticism of the left is due to inherent racism – even when the critic is black.
Instead of a levelheaded discussion, individuals like Jealous seek only to sully their target’s reputation through character assassination and unfounded attacks.
During an interview after the incident, Scott called the accusations against him “baseless,” explaining “some folks really want to find a way to make race more of a part of their conversation going forward.”
As one Fox News host explained, the NAACP included Scott’s position on issues completely unrelated to race – including greenhouse gas regulation – in its tirade against him.
To Scott, the entire ordeal is “almost laughable,” though he noted “some people take it pretty seriously.” Instead of sideshow sensationalism like that coming from Jealous, Scott said he chooses to “focus on the serious opportunities to move moving people forward.”
In the end, he said the fundamental difference between his worldview and the NAACP has nothing at all to do with civil rights.
“[F]olks like Mr. Jealous believe that a larger government somehow means more freedom,” he said. “I just completely disagree.”
I firmly second that statement, which apparently means I’d receive an “F” rating from the NAACP, too. I’m OK with that.
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B. Christopher Agee

B. Christopher Agee is an award-winning journalist and conservative columnist. He established The Informed Conservative and late 2011 and currently reaches an audience of millions each month through publication on several major websites. He lives in the Fort Worth, Texas, area with his wife.

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