ReligionWorld News

Is Heaven Real?

eben alexanderDuring tragedy, such as the shooting at the Sandy Hook school, many of us turn to our faith looking for assurance in the words of our God. Still finding peace is often difficult, especially when dealing with an event so senseless.

But what if someone has been to the other side? Has seen heaven? Has seen God? Would that make it easier to bear?

This morning on Fox and Friends there was an interesting interview with Dr. Eben Alexander. Dr. Alexander is a neurosurgeon who contracted a severe form of meningitis and nearly died. In the week he was comatose he had a near death experience that profoundly changed his life. The Fox and Friends hosts asked questions so many of us had this week: What about the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting? What did they feel?

Following several personal experiences in past decades Dr. Alexander had come to the conclusion that even if there was a God, He did not care about individuals. Yet, after his recovery Dr. Alexander realized experienced more than his scientific mind could explain. He saw God and felt Love surround him. Perhaps his words will give some comfort to the grieving.

Here is a short clip about Dr. Alexander’s experience as featured on the Science Channel:

Below is an interview Dr. Alexander did with Oprah. As a layperson it appears that this experience brought Alexander to spirituality rather than religion therefore some specific religions may not find his experience fitting with their beliefs. But to listen to a man of science speak with such serenity about the hereafter and the feeling of warmth, comfort and love should offer a lot to grieving families.

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Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch. Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at and follow along.

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