Gun News

Gun Sales Soar Following Obama Reelection

Retired Colonel Oliver North spoke with Stuart Varney on FBN about the leap in gun sales over Thanksgiving weekend. Sales of guns jumped 20% above their previous record breaking numbers last year. An astonishing 154,000 background checks were done on Black Friday alone.

North and others are crediting the record breaking sales to possible UN treaty intervention in United States gun ownership. If this treaty is signed it would give the United Nations a registry list of all weapons in the U.S. and allow for their confiscation if deemed necessary. Many expect that the Obama administration will agree to such a treaty endangering their second amendment rights.

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Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch. Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at and follow along.

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