On November 6th, Remember Obama’s Record

In 2008, America was tired.

War-weary.  And fearful of an impending financial crisis.

The country hungered for change.

Candidate Barack Obama offered the nation a sappy-sweet promise of “hope and change” full of high emotion and little substance to which many disillusioned Americans fell prey.

In 2012, America is more fearful than ever.  The promised change has not come.  In its place, a dark agenda of wealth redistribution, punitive taxes and massive expansion of government control in all areas of our lives.

Some saw this coming.  Others are just awakening to the nightmare.

Now, Barack Obama says he wants four more years to finish what he started.

Except this time, the happy talk and lofty rhetoric is gone.  There’s a record to review.

And the reviews are not good.

The polls are reflecting this truth and it’s only going to get worse.

Because when Americans go to the polls on November 6th, we will remember the Obama record.

We’ll remember Obamacare being forced down our throats without one Republican vote and without anyone reading the bill.  Our voices were heard loud and clear at town hall meetings across the nation.  Yet, Obama and Congressional Democrats chose to rule against the will of the people.

We won’t forget or forgive them for it.

As the details of Obamacare slowly dripped out, people of faith joined in protest of provisions requiring religious institutions to provide health insurance that covered abortions and abortifacients.  Barack pledged that there would be no taxpayer funded abortions in Obamacare.  But, now he demands that religious organizations violate their conscience and support the murder of unborn babies.

Obama repeatedly promised that no American earning over $250,000 would receive a tax increase.  America believed and was then shocked to find 21 new taxes hidden within the 2,000 pages of the Obamacare law.  We won’t forget that.

He said that Obamacare was not, in any way, a tax on Americans.  Yet, when Obamacare reached the Supreme Court, the Obama team argued that the law actually was a tax and, therefore, constitutional because of Congress’ power to tax.  The Supreme Court clarified.  Obamacare is a tax, the largest in U.S. history.

In 2008 Obama promised to lower the unemployment rate to under 6%. Yet, today, true unemployment is in the 15% range with untold Americans underemployed or having given up looking for work altogether.

Meanwhile, Obama has not passed a single budget since entering office.  Both Democrats and Republicans have rejected his budget proposals.  That is inexcusable, and it will be on our minds.

As gas prices soar, we’ll remember that Obama restricted American oil production and rejected the Keystone Pipeline while championing and providing financial assistance for oil drilling by Brazil.  His war on coal is killing jobs in coal producing states and threatening to decimate the entire U.S. coal industry.

Meanwhile, Barack channeled 90 billion dollars for “green energy” to companies like Solyndra, Abound Solar, A123 Battery Co, Ener1 and Beacon Power all of which went bankrupt.

We remember Obama’s foreign policy record as he insulted our closest allies by returning the bust of Winston Churchill to Britain and choosing to put “daylight” between America and Israel.  Remember Barack’s hateful glare at Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu?

And who can forget Obama’s overseas apology tour as he criticized America while standing on foreign soil?

Americans heard Obama, on a hot mic, tell Russian President Medvedev and, by extension Vladimir Putin, that he’d have “more flexibility” after the election to deal with difficult issues such as missile defense.

Obama championed the “Arab Spring” while a radical, Islamist government arose in Egypt with anti-American, anti-Christian sentiments.  Coptic Christians are beaten and slaughtered in Egypt and in Nigeria.  According to Obama, the “Arab Spring” is a victory for democracy.

We know better.

We remember the Iranian protests of 2009 as they sought freedom for their nation and asked “Obama, are you with us or against us?”  Obama’s silence was deafening.  Iran remains in the hands of radical, apocalyptic Islamists committed to achieving nuclear weapons and the destruction of Israel and the United States.

Two days after the announcement of Bin Laden’s death, Vice President Joe Biden revealed that U.S. Navy SEALs had ended OBL’s existence.  One month later, the Administration provided the name of the planner and SEAL commander to Hollywood producers.  90 days after Bin Laden’s demise 22 U.S. SEALS, most from SEAL Team 6, were killed in Afghanistan when their helicopter was shot down by a rocket propelled grenade.  30 service personnel died that day.  The worst single day death toll in the entire Afghanistan war.

We will not forget them or that Obama Administration leaks likely contributed to their deaths.

Meanwhile, Libya is in shambles and Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three brave Americans are dead.  We remember their names:

Glen Doherty.

Tyrone Woods.

Sean Smith.

And we won’t forget that they were abandoned in their hour of need or that Barack Obama continues to lie to the American people about the events of that day.

Mr. President, when you needed them, the SEALs responded and killed Bin Laden.  When they needed you in Benghazi, where were you?

We are repulsed by the President’s lawlessness as he signed executive orders circumventing Congress and changing U.S. policy toward illegal immigration, effectively implementing “The Dream Act” without Congressional approval.  And by refusing to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and negating key work provisions of Bill Clinton’s Welfare Reform Act, he violated his oath, and the law, once again.

Maybe it’s all in a day’s work for him.   But, we expect our presidents to obey the law.  We’ll remember that Barack did not.

We’ll remember Operation Fast and Furious and seek to honor U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry and his grieving family.  The Obama Administration allowed thousands of weapons to “walk” into Mexico.  Those weapons killed Brian Terry and are now killing Mexican citizens.

And we won’t forget that President Obama invoked Executive Privilege to prevent the truth from being known about this deadly scandal.

We’ll be reminded that Obama has repeatedly lied to the American people as demonstrated in numerous articles, fact checks and witnessed by tens of millions of Americans during the recent presidential debates.

We’ll surely remember Obama quoting the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and endowed….with certain unalienable rights…” regularly omitting the words “by their Creator.” 

All parents will remember that Barack and Michelle Obama mandated what kind of food and how much of it our children can eat while at school even to the point of confiscating our children’s homemade lunches.

And no one will ever forget You didn’t build that!”

As Americans vote this next Tuesday, we will remember the Obama record and how it has affected the people in our lives.

We’ll think about family and friends who are out of work or are just barely scraping by.

We’ll think about the millions of Americans who have lost their homes and now wonder if they’ll ever own a home again.

We’ll think about our children and every parent’s dream that their children’s lives will be better than their own.

Many will wonder if they’ll ever retire or if being a senior citizen means having to say “do you want fries with that?” or “welcome to Walmart” until they can no longer physically perform.

We’ll remember our men and women in uniform and wonder if their Commander in Chief truly values their lives and the sacrifices of their families.

Business owners will wonder if they’ll be able to expand and hire new workers or if they’ll be forced to lay off more of their valued employees.  Even worse, if they’ll be forced to close their doors forever.

And entrepreneurs will wonder if opportunity will still exist in America.  If free enterprise can survive another four years of Barack Obama.

Americans will remember the Obama record.

His inability to get things done, to perform on behalf of the American people.

And to tell the truth.

Obama will be weighed in the balance against previous presidents, and he will be found wanting.

Incompetent.  Dishonest.  And un-American.

As history judges the record of President Barack Obama, it may be that his one, signature achievement was not only unintended, but something that no one thought possible.

In less than four years, Barack Obama has made even Jimmy Carter seem competent by comparison.

And Bill Clinton seem honest.

On November 6th, we’ll remember.


Jay Clarke (@AmericanHeirs)

Published by
Jay Clarke (@AmericanHeirs)

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