Failing School–But White Students Can’t Transfer

A school in Louisiana received a failing performance score this year. Last month, parents of children at Rayville Elementary School were sent an informational letter which said that ‘eligible’ students could request a transfer to a better performing school.

The term ‘Eligible’ was not based on location, student scores, or any other common sense requirement. Instead the letter stated that students who were white were not eligible to transfer.

Included in the letter was the following statement:
“Please note that white students at Rayville Elementary School will not be allowed to transfer to the listed schools due to the present provisions issued in the federal Richland Parish School desegregation case.”

According to the Huffington Post: The desegregation case refers to a 1968 court decision that prohibits white students from leaving a school if their departure would cause a shift in minority enrollment. if their departure could cause the school to be considered “all-Negro.”  WALTON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION  1968

Though the desegregation effort was meant as a means to include minority students in predominately white schools parents are asking if this same ruling is now causing reverse discrimination.

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Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch. Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at and follow along.

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