Conservative rockers “Madison Rising” kick-off financing drive

CDN Radio has interviewed members of Madison Rising on the air and CDN has posted several of the band’s videos to the site in hopes of sharing the work of a group of great Conservative rockers. Now they need help getting their new tour kicked-off and we’re all-too-glad to help.

Wanted to let you know that Madison Rising has launched a kickstarter to help finance new recordings and a tour. The goal is to reach new audiences and spread the positive message the band has been spreading. The goal of the band is to give the people PATRIOTIC music to listen to and to get them thinking of issues at hand. Lets get our country back! Lets bring back American Pride and Patriotism with positive music.

What You Can Do To Help Make It All Happen?

Please spread the word about this campaign. Share the link with your friends. Post it on your facebook. Share it with writers and djs who can share it with their fans and followers. 

Lets remind people that this country is still a great place to live!

About the Band (from the Madison Rising website)

Madison Rising – which launched its debut album in October, 2011 – brings great rock music back into the forefront of popular culture. With songs ranging from the lyrically powerful and guitar heavy opening track “Right To Bear,” to the hauntingly epic sounds of “Honk If You Want Peace,” to the beautiful violins and cello of “Hallowed Ground,” it is clear that this band is on a mission to not only make great music, but to also send a message that American culture is alive and well.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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