
Obama Ignores Sharia in America

Much has already been said by conservatives about Obama’s apparent disdain for following the Constitution, let alone protecting it. So, it is not surprising to find out that there are no particularly vocal statements against the implementation of sharia law, in any form, in the United States coming from the White House. In fact, it is fair to say that Obama is far more concerned with extending an open hand to Islam, as opposed to lifting a finger to stop it.

Obama Quran
Richard Loyal French (CC)

This administration’s foreign policy on Islam is virtually non-existent, in the sense that it is largely handled on a nation by nation basis, as opposed to viewing the Islamic world as a single ideological entity. That is probably part of the reason why one needs to stick with media sources outside the mainstream to find out about things like suicide bomber auctions in Saudi Arabia. But, perhaps the primary reason lies in the left-wing’s belief that Islam – the moderate variety – is not a threat to the U.S.

While many on the right are harping on Obama’s publicity biography from the 1990’s, a little story probably slipped by unnoticed. Kansas is considering outlawing the recognition of sharia law, and CAIR is not happy about that. They have asked the governor of Kansas to not sign that law. It makes perfect sense that this organization should involve itself in this, because part of its mission is to protect the rights of Muslims to observe their faith. The left would be very happy if everyone would just sit back, and let CAIR do its job, too.

It is discrimination, according to the left and Obama, to prevent Muslims from freely observing their faith. Sharia law is part and parcel with that, so there should be no objections to it being legally recognized in this country. Of course the Thomas More Law Center would disagree with that. They have dedicated a great deal of time and effort to the task of protecting the rights of Americans, in particular, against the imposition of sharia law in this country. They have a problem with non-Muslim children being forced to learn the ways of Islam, and to accept those ideological tenets, for one example.

The leftist love affair with Islam, and in particular, CAIR, only serves to depict our nation as weak. In the name of being politically correct, the administration turns a blind eye to that organization, as it “demonizes” our country on Iranian television. It is no wonder that the Obama administration had to leave nuclear negotiations with Iran to Russia. The president has declared the end of the war on terror, and has heralded a new era of friendship with the Islamic world. Obama, yet again, fails to notice that the very people he is attempting to engage with peacefully are quietly getting what they wanted all along – they are engaged in stealth jihad, using our own courts against us when they can. And Obama is doing nothing to stop it.

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Liz Harrison (twitter: @GoldwaterGal)

Liz is a mostly-retired veteran political campaign worker, wife, mom, opinionated gal, fiscal conservative, anti-social-conservative, atheist, and foreign affairs/Mid-East politics junkie.

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