Since The War On Terror Is Over…
Just two days ago, a senior State Department official announced that the War on Terror is over. It was only a matter of time for this announcement to be made, since the Daily Beast called for its end almost a year ago to the day of the announcement. On May 1, 2011, Peter Beinart wrote an article proclaiming:
Bin Laden’s death gives the U.S. a golden opportunity to bury the war on terror—a distraction…that distorted America’s foreign policy for too long.
With this announcement from the Obama Administration making it official, a new question arises:
When will the TSA be officially disbanded?
The purpose of the TSA is to keep us safe, correct? So if there is no more war on terror…. it makes perfect sense that the TSA will be shut down very soon, right?
Today, Kip Hawley, the former TSA chief says that airport security is broken and should be fixed. Mr. Hawley was the TSA chief from 2005 to 2009, and said that after it was created, TSA “became too rigid” and airline passengers now have too many “unnecessary screenings”. He continued, saying that, “the agency should focus more on high-risk threats that could cause a catastrophe.”
On the other side of TSA security, today the Feds admitted that a TSA drug smuggling case in the Los Angeles International Airport is ‘significant’ security breach. So, the agency in charged of keeping airline passengers “safe” has a “significant security breach”. Surprise, surprise!
All the while, TSA defends pat-down of 4-year-old at a Kansas airport.
This is just the TSA news for one day! There are hundreds of other horror stories concerning the TSA. We’ve all heard them. In the “effort” to keep us “safe”, even Congressmen are assaulted by the TSA agents. Then there’s the little girl that was had her stuffed animal removed by TSA. There’s many videos that have gone viral of TSA assaults……… err, pat-downs. But no worries, it’s all for our safety, remember?
However, now that the War on Terror is “officially” over, it’s time for the official end of the TSA. There’s no need for the pat-downs to continue. If there is no longer any threat of terror, there’s nothing we need to be protected from- right?