Obama Begs Russian President for ‘Space’ in Election Year [Video]
President Obama was caught on an open microphone asking the Russian President to give him some political “space” until the November election. In exchange, Obama would have much greater “flexibility” in regards to missile defense and other points of contention between the U.S. and Russia.
This “flexibility” could apply to:
- Russian help to Iran on it’s nuclear stockpile
- Cuba and Venezuela
- Defense of Europe from an Iranian missle
- National defense secrets that the State department has reportedly been seeking to give to Russia
The Obama administration’s response to the airing of this video interchange was to simply state that that nothing is going to be accomplished in an election year. Clearly the President is far too busy golfing, fund-raising and attending his $3 lottery dinners to deal with issues like national security, foreign policy or silly things like open microphones.
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