Scott Walker Needs Our Help Now in Wisconsin Recall
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker successfully passed legislation last year that put a few restraints on out-of-control public sector unions, despite their disgraceful Astroturf occupation of the State capital building, the death threats and everything else they tried. So the unions launched a recall petition against Walker, the Lt. Governor and four Republican Senators who voted with him.
The unions mobilized and garnered 1 million signatures for the recall, much more than enough. But now it appears that they used the ACORN vote registration fraud method of swamping state authorities with bogus documents. Some of these petitions are plainly fraudulent (Donald Duck for example) but Wisconsin’s Government Accountability Board, the state agency charged with counting petitions, has said they can do no more than spot check and will assume all petitions are valid unless challenged.
Recognizing the importance of this recall and the potential threat to reform everywhere, True the Vote stepped in to do the job the State will not. TTV has created a simple system to check the validity of these petitions but they need to enter them into the system first. They only have until February 27th to get this done!
So far, about 13,000 activists around the country have signed up; but more are needed. Anyone, anywhere with access to a computer can help. This is a real opportunity to have a visible impact on the outcome of one of the most important issues we face today. If Scott Walker loses they will start doing this all over the country anytime they don’t get what they want!
You can sign up to help enter names right here:
This is the kind of grassroots activism we all can participate in. Please pass this to everyone on your distribution list and ask them to forward. We need to do this.