Santorum contrasts healthcare and Romneycare sans Glitteratti
GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum visited Minnesota today in an effort to boost support for his campaign one day before the Minnesota Caucus.
Tuesday’s caucus here in Minnesota corresponds to that of Colorado and Missouri.
Santorum visited voters in a small banquet room of Rochester’s prestigious Kahler Grand Hotel, which stands across the street from the Gonda Building of the Mayo Clinic. The candidate used the venue to tick off 10 of 15 reasons why so called Romneycare and Obamacare are essentially the same.
“We have a presidential candidate for all intents and purposes is the least qualified to make an argument against the opposition on the major issue of Healthcare, and that is Mitt Romney,” Santorum said in his speech.
Healthcare, Santorum said, is one of the major reasons why the Tea Party formed, amongst others.
The GOP presidential candidate best suited to oppose and eventually replace the current president cannot be a carbon copy of him on the issue of healthcare, Santorum said.
Santorum pointed out that health institutions of the stature of the Mayo Clinic show the success of the private sector as opposed to the dismal failure of public sector government controlled programs.
Despite the relative smallness of the banquet room off the main lobby of the hotel, the room was packed to capacity with voters and supporters. Santorum took time to shake hands with many who stuck around, take photos with supporters, talk with constituents and sign autographs.
The Glitterati known for pelting conservative candidates with glitter in opposition to their stances on gay marriage were not to be seen at the event. However, Santorum had a brief, intense conversation with a constituent where he politely but firmly reiterated his stance that marriage is defined as the union between one man and one woman.
The only other sign of potential opposition to the candidate at the event was a person dressed in a pig outfit with a sign saying, “Pork Lovers for Rick”. Doubtful they were from a pork producing coop of Minnesota, but more likely a quip on Santorum and earmarks when he was a senator from Pennsylvania.
Santorum was to make a brief stop at Soldiers Field in Rochester to lay a wreath in honor of Minnesota veterans before the event at the Kahler Grand Hotel. After that the candidate was off to Colorado to greet voters there.