“Dumber than a bag of hammers”, “one peanut short of a snickers “, “dumber than a rock”…  I could go on….  And I will!  “A few fries short of a happy meal”.  “One clown shy of a circus”….


Dumber than a post… a doornail…. an entire sector of the population that doesn’t have to pay taxes and will subsequently vote for the candidate that promises them the world using other people’s money…


We often use phrases like this to describe people or more accurately, people’s actions, as being ill advised, immature, adolescent, persnickety, childish, self-indulgent, knee-jerk, hasty…. In a word – stupid!


For example, the guy who tries to ride his scooter down a staircase – A few beers short of a six-pack.  How about this: robbing a house by attempting to go down the chimney – a couple of cards short of a full deck.  This was my favorite: attempting to dissect, while still alive, a presidential contender to find all of his faults, only to realize that you’ve killed off all the viable candidates and are left with only a couple of duds.  BWAAHAHAHAA!!  Oh! That one kills me everytime!


And, unfortunately, I believe we may have just killed off our country.


2012 marks the 50th anniversary of our Supreme Court officially telling God to take a hike.  You remember, don’t you?  Back in 1962?  Engel v. Vitale – the Supreme Court case that banned prayer from public schools – was brought by several students from New York State who thought that voluntary (yes, I said voluntary) prayer in public school violated their First Amendment rights. The prayer that was so offensive read like this:


Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our country. Amen.


A utilitarian prayer to say the least, this was also one that was not forced on anyone. Yet a group of activist lawyers appealing to an activist judiciary were successful in ripping the right of the freedom to express your religious beliefs from everyone else, just to placate a few who did not believe that way.  One taco short of a combo plate, if you ask me.


Perhaps I do have a different First Amendment than these folks did, but mine reads like this:


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, nor prohibit the free exercise thereof……


In the world of common sense, a voluntary (for those educated in the public schools, that means you don’t have to do it) prayer is not the equivalent of Congress creating a law that establishes a national religion. Furthermore, in this increasingly shrinking world of common sense, one could arguably state that banning a “voluntary” prayer would tend to stomp on that last part of the First Amendment, “nor prohibit the free exercise thereof.”


Yet because we did not want to anger a few, we ripped fundamental rights away from the vast majority. Out goes God, in comes political correctness.


It’s been downhill from there folks.


I recently checked out a book from my local library. I needed to show them a photo ID. I recently took a test for teacher certification in a specific subject area. I needed to show them a photo ID. My wife and I just swapped out a Christmas present for another item at Walmart. We needed to show them a photo ID.  I’m going to go vote for my Congressman, a Senator, a President and many other state and local officials on November 6 of this year.  You’ll never guess what I don’t need to show them??  Dumber than salt!


A modern definition of insanity is attempting to do the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Republicans, who started with eight or nine viable candidates for president, all of which would be better than the current occupant, have a macheted their way down to basically one.  Herman Cain rises up (click, click) BOOM!  See ya!  Michele Bachmann does well at the Ames Straw Poll?  KABLAM!  Down you go!  Rick Perry comes out with favorable numbers?  RIP, TEAR, SLASH!  He’s out here!  Newt Gingrich surges from the bottom of the pack.  SUPER-PACK, SUPER-PACK!  He’s done!


Who’s next? We haven’t finished “vetting” candidates yet!…… we have to find someone to go up against Mitt Romney!…….  oh crap!  Only Ron Paul is left!


If you are experiencing flashbacks to 2008 or 1996, take comfort – you’re not alone.  TOO DUMB TO LIVE!!


So I ask the question: Is America now simply just too dumb to live? Have we destroyed every person that could lead us back to our former glory, all in the name of vetting?  At the same time, have we turned a blind eye to the fact that now almost half of the electorate either doesn’t have to pay federal income tax or is on some form of federal aid? Do you think people like that are ever going to vote to make the hard choices that this country needs to make in order to fix itself?  Have fun going down the chimney!


Perhaps Alexis de Tocqueville was right:


“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”


Remember some of chants of the OWS protesters, “This is what democracy looks like!”  Yeah, folks, it does.  That’s why our founding fathers didn’t touch democracy with a 10 foot pole. They specifically called for a republican form of government, one that would not run headlong into hasty decisions, but one that would take it’s time, deliberate, debate and then finally decide.


We don’t want to do that anymore as Americans. We want our patience and we want it right now!  That, my friends, is too dumb to live!


If we are to survive as a country, we are going to have to eradicate this type of thought. My question to you is this: with all of the “dumb” we have done in this country over the last 50 years, have we come to this moment – a pivotal one in our history – confident that we will elect leaders that will make the difficult choices to get us back on track? Or have we finally hit that tipping point, where all we can do is watch in horror as a once great nation collapses in on itself?  Have we really become “too dumb to live”?

Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

Published by
Rich Mitchell

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