The Romney/Obama Pattern Emerges
Mitt Romney is simply another Barack Obama.
Throughout the debates when a moderator asks a question Mitt uses a response similar to “That’s not the question I want to answer, so here is the right question”. When an opponent raises an issue and asks him to actually respond (aka Rick Santorum in South Carolina) Mitt rudely responds with “I’ll answer the way I want to answer”.
Repeatedly throughout this election year we have seen Romney respond to people with the equivalent of “Shut up, it my turn to speak”. Maybe a Dale Carnegie class is in his future plans.
Mitt’s speeches are filled with grand platitudes, but helplessly short on substance. He is wonderful at blaming Obama, but if one listens closely to his comments he does not back-fill his criticism with what he will actually attempt to do…other than that he will hang Churchill’s picture back up in the White House. I count that as slightly short on substance, symbolic as it may be.
He rants and carries on about not releasing his tax information. Personally I don’t care. However, this article is about how Romney is like Obama. The president has refused again and again to release personal information. Mitt is acting just like Barack. The attitudes are the same; “I am better than the people that I ask to allow me to govern”.
Mitt Romney is fundamentally an arrogant candidate. Pundits keep asking the question as to why Romney does not resonate with the voters. The answer is rather simple. Mitt Romney, just like Barack Obama, believes he is better than the rest of us. He weakly attempts to convince us that he is one of us with his millions in annual income. Then he speaks down to us, as opposed to Newt Gingrich that actually does resonate with the people. Romney was Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and believes that means the people are “commoners” below his majesty. We sense that and rightfully bristle.
An example of his arrogance is how he and his wrecking crew, led by the always hateful Karl Rove, slashed out at Newt Gingrich in Iowa. Their ads were particularly hateful and misleading. Then when the tables are turned and Newt demands answers from Romney what did we hear? “I am shocked that Republicans would attack fellow Republicans (ME) like that. I expect that from the Democrats, but not Republicans.” Mitt Romney genuinely believes he is above criticism. He believes that he is better than “we the people”. Then last night in the Florida debate he repeated the same disgustingly shallow behavior. He opened his comments by refusing to answer the question asked of him, and went on one of the most vicious personal attacks on Gingrich that has ever been displayed. Then at the end of the debate decried how others doing the same thing toward him was somehow out of bounds. There was man so consumed in himself that he didn’t even perceive what he was doing. Some would say he “Obamaed” himself. His whole demeanor is that he can be distasteful, but others should respond by saying “Gee Mitt, thanks for that barbed stick up our collective butts”.
Let’s look at another example of Mitt’s mentality of meanness.
“I like being able to fire people who provide services to me,” Really? Seriously, Mitt? Then you are one of the few managers in the world that have that mentality. Nobody likes being fired, and nobody except the mean-spirited like firing people, even non-performers. I use another phrase by him last evening. When talking about Fidel Castro, Mitt was gleefully sarcastic about how he would happy when the man dies. I am not defending Fidel Castro, however the American people that I know don’t wish that despicable of a comment on others who have done them no harm (Oh, wait. Maybe Castro was able to dip into Romney’s millions in the Cayman Isles, but overlooked the millions all the rest of us keep in Swiss banks). Mitt Romney is out of touch with the average descent American.
Republicans are fond of pointing fingers at the unemployed minorities in inner cities and suggesting that they have an entitlement mentality and think the government should bail them out. The reality is that it is people like Mitt Romney that have the entitlement mentality. He believes that America owes him the presidency because he is efficient at killing jobs, because he came from a rich daddy, because he has others to do the actual dirty work for him such as lying about fellow Republicans.
I have a challenge for Mitt Romney. Br. Mitt, why don’t you respond to the questions America wants answered, rather than suggesting we should worship you…just because you are you? We have had almost four years of an arrogant president. You look and sound just like him.
Let’s look at an example of Mitt’s mentality of meanness.
“I like being able to fire people who provide services to me,” Really? Seriously, Mitt? Then you are one of the few managers in the world that have that mentality. Nobody likes being fired, and nobody except the mean-spirited like firing people, even non-performers. Mitt Romney is out of touch with the average descent American.
Republicans are fond of pointing fingers at the unemployed minorities in inner cities and suggesting that they have an entitlement mentality thinking the government should bail them out. The reality is that it is people like Mitt Romney that have the entitlement mentality. He believes that America owes him the presidency because he is efficient at killing jobs, because he came from a rich daddy, because he has others to do the actual dirty work for him such as lying about fellow Republicans.
I have a challenge for Mitt Romney. Br. Mitt, why don’t you stock to the questions America wants answered, rather than suggesting we should worship you…just because you are you? We have had almost four years of an arrogant president, and you look and sound just like him.